(via Regina Vitolo, Lone Star College – CyFair Branch Library and Harris County Public Library)
As Librarians and educators, we know that removing financial barriers to educational resources is important for student retention and success, and Librarians play a key role in evaluating and identifying high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER) for students and instructors. Are you a Librarian who has successfully worked with faculty to evaluate and to integrate OER into the curriculum? Have you led a workshop for students on advocating for OER for their classes? Or a workshop for faculty on evaluating or creating OER for their classes? If so, we would love to hear about your efforts.
On behalf of the ACRL Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee (SLILC) Professional Development Team, we are seeking interested Librarian educators to participate in a virtual panel discussion on the following topic: “OER and Information Literacy Connections: Incorporating Students in OER Advocacy and Adoption Efforts”. The deadline is Friday, January 24.
The ACRL-SLILC PD team will review the proposals and contact the potential panelists by Friday, January 31. We are looking at the last week of February or the first week of March for the webinar to go live. Please e-mail Regina Vitolo, at Regina.E.Vitolo@gmail.com, for further instructions.