(via Elizabeth DeZouche, Savannah College of Art and Design)
The ACRL Instruction Section Inclusive Pedagogy Committee is looking for panelists for an upcoming webinar, “Navigating Barriers to Inclusive Pedagogy”. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, April 15, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CDT. The submission deadline is now Friday, March 21.
In previous years, our committee has hosted webinars offering guidance on implementing inclusive pedagogies. This spring semester, we’re interested in hearing from librarians who have experience addressing barriers to implementing inclusive pedagogies. By sharing these practices, we aim to cultivate a community of educators who are not only committed to inclusion and equity but also feel ready to respond to the social and political challenges of today.
The Inclusive Pedagogy Committee invites you to submit proposals for 5-10 minute lightning talks. The lightning talks will be followed by a facilitated conversation, with opportunity for Q&A. We’d love to learn about your experience relating to barriers to inclusive pedagogy and how you deal with this adversity.
Note: The committee is interested in possibly holding a follow-up workshop to this session. Please, feel free to express interest in the workshop in your submission.
Topics of Interest
We welcome proposals that cover, but are not limited to, the following topics.
- Building communities to implement inclusive pedagogies
- Restructuring after institutional changes due to pressure from administrators or legislation (staffing, committee disbanding, etc)
- Pushback from students or faculty about your instructional practices
- Responding to changes to campus culture and/or curriculum
- Communicating about inclusive pedagogy practices
- Moments of joy and/or success relating to inclusive pedagogies
- Navigating pushback from students, faculty, or other campus/institutional partners about instructional practices
Submission Guidelines
We’re particularly interested in elevating the voices of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), LGBTQIA+, and people with disabilities. Presenters from such backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply and are welcomed to include this information in their proposal.
Title: Keep it short but informative.
Abstract: Briefly summarize your talk in 100-200 words.
Presenter Info: Name, title, institution, and contact information.
Please submit your proposals via this Google Form.
For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to Lily Murray (murrayl6@nku.edu).
We can’t wait to learn from you!