(via Chapel Cowden, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)
The call has been extended for our POSTER Session at ALA Annual in Chicago, IL. All submissions are due by 10:59 PM CDT on Thursday, January 30. The Poster Session will be held on Sunday, June 28, 2020. You DO NOT need to be a member of STS to submit a proposal.
Submissions Posters should cover research endeavors or practitioner projects that enhance science and technology librarianship. Proposals should provide useful and practical findings, and describe opportunities for discussion with participants. Your submission should include:
- brief background information about your project,
- the research question or problem that drove your project,
- the methods used,
- your findings and a brief discussion that includes the impact of your project.
Your proposal should total no more than 250 words. Because this is a blind review process, be sure to include your name, institution, phone, and email addresses of all participants (not part of word count) separate from your abstract (the form has separate fields for these items).
Please submit your proposal via this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccY52WdFBD6gbQq-QBNp-3gzOFa1t36b6BxVfOfpIgzJaAKA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Acceptance of proposals reflects a commitment by the author(s) to present at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. Travel support from STS is not available. Specific logistical details will follow upon acceptance. If you have any questions, please ask the STS Research Committee co-chairs:
Chapel Cowden, chapel-cowden@utc.edu
Rachel Hamelers, rachelhamelers@muhlenberg.edu