(via Stephanie Crowe, University of North Carolina Wilmington)
Beyond the Numbers will be in-person at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, November 8-10 (Tuesday-Thursday), 2022. Consider submitting a proposal for this free conference on the challenges of economic data and information! The submission deadline is Thursday, June 30.
Possible topics include the following.
- New, misunderstood, or underused economic information tools and sources
- Managing data for access, preservation, sharing, and re-use
- Library instruction using economic data: case studies, best practices
- Alternative and digital data: trends and developments in the use of non-traditional sources of data for economics research
- Sources for economic data related to the pandemic
- Accessing data via APIs and data clean up
- Economic data visualization: best practices, tools, what to avoid
- Open information for economics: sources, issues, trends, and developments
- Finding hidden economic information (papers and data stored in institutional repositories)
- Best practices for promoting the FAIR principles (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reuse)
- Data ethics as part of data literacy: key concepts and principles, integration into data reference and instruction
Presentation types include the following.
- Lightning talks: 5-7 minutes
- Short sessions: 20 minutes
- Sessions, Panels, Workshops: 45-minute full sessions
Abstracts for each proposal should be no more than 250 words. For presentations and panel discussions, clearly state the aim of the presentation, the topic, and the specific knowledge attendees will gain.
All proposals will be reviewed by the conference organizing committee
Please submit your proposals by Thursday, June 30, via e-mail to BTN2022@fedshare.frb.org.
Please include the following information in your submission.
- Title:
- Presenter(s):
- Presenter affiliation:
- Presenter email(s):
- Presentation type:
- Abstract (250 words):
For more information on the conference, please check here.