(via Cristina Colquhoun, Oklahoma State University)
You are invited to submit a proposal for the Journal of New Librarianship‘s “Innovation in Libraries” column.
Rogers (2003) defined innovation as an “idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption” (p. 12). With advancements in technologies, ideas, and processes such as (but not limited to) OER, online offerings, data privacy, artificial intelligence, and the metaverse, the library has entered into a new phase of possibilities for innovation, specifically when it comes to library teaching and learning. With this in mind, the Journal of New Librarianship invites you to submit a proposal for the column, “Innovation in Libraries”. The theme for this cycle of column publications will explore the topic of innovations in library teaching and learning amongst the current landscape of advancements. We invite you to share what this has looked like in your praxis.
Practitioners are invited to submit proposals of 200-500 words by Friday, April 21, 2023. Authors will be notified by Friday, May 26, 2023, regarding the status of their proposals and to discuss a timeline for column submission, editorial review, and publication. Completed columns will be 1,000-2,000 words.
Please submit column proposals via this Qualtrics form.
For more information about the Journal as well as submission process and guidelines, visit the Journal of New Librarianship website.
If you have any questions, please contact the column editors, Cristina Colquhoun (cristina.colquhoun@okstate.edu) or Kathy Essmiller (kathy.essmiller@okstate.edu).