(via Jessica Hagman, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
The Qualitative Social Science & Humanities Data Interest Group (QSSHDIG) of is hosting a special issue of IASSIST Quarterly on data services for qualitative work that may be of interest to any of you working with qualitative data or researchers.
In 2019, members of the IASSIST Qualitative Social Science & Humanities Data Interest Group (QSSHDIG) edited an IASSIST Quarterly special issue (Vol. 43, No 2) focused on extending data services to qualitative research by exploring training, service visibility, transparency, and reuse practices.
A second special issue of IASSIST Quarterly is warranted to explore qualitative data through the lens of FAIR, CARE, open science, and access. (We consider qualitative data to include textual, audiovisual, and other non-numeric formats.) Given the recent global and disciplinary trends in open science and data, it is timely to revisit the qualitative data landscape to advance concepts, theory, and practices that support transparent, trustworthy, and accessible qualitative research now and into the future.
The full call is available online, with proposals due Friday, January 31. Submissions or any questions can be directed to the special issue editors at iqspecialissue26@gmail.com.