(via Debbie Campbell, CARLI)
The CARLI Instruction Committee is launching an article club!
We’re excited for this opportunity to build the CARLI community while engaging more deeply with the academic literature that impacts our teaching practice.
The Instruction Committee has selected articles for discussion, and we’ll meet virtually once in the fall and again in the spring. If you’re interested in participating, please read the article in advance. Instruction Committee members will moderate the discussion, and there will be prepared questions to guide our conversation. We hope you come with considerations and questions of your own as well, including how the article applies within your own context.
Please register: https://www.carli.illinois.edu/instruction-committee-article-club-november
We will hold the discussion in Zoom; the connection URL will be sent to registrants on 11/5.
When: Wednesday, November 6 at 1pm (CST)
Article: Reframing Information Literacy as Academic Cultural Capital: A Critical and Equity-Based Foundation for Practice, Assessment, and Scholarship
Author: Amanda Folk
Abstract: Within the past decade, academic librarianship has increased its focus on critical librarianship and assessing student success, as well as undergoing a complete reconceptualization of information literacy. However, our assessment and scholarship related to information literacy and student success largely neglects the persistent racial and social-class achievement gaps in American higher education. This article draws upon a critical social theory commonly used in higher education research-cultural capital-to consider the ways in which information literacy as threshold concepts may enable or constrain success for students whose identities higher education has traditionally marginalized. Finally, Estela Mara Bensimon’s equity cognitive frame is introduced to consider the ways in which we can ground our practice, assessment, and scholarship in our professional values of equity and inclusion.
Link: https://crl.acrl.org/index.php/crl/article/view/17822/1965
Please send any questions to support@carli.illinois.edu<mailto:support@carli.illinois.edu>!