(via Dr. Michele Leigh, CARLI) The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries of Illinois (CARLI) is pleased to announce the availability of a second round of applications for the creation of Open Educational Resources (OER) as part of the Illinois SCOER (Support for Creation of Open Educational Resources) program. This project has been fully funded…
Category: Awards, Grants, and Scholarships – Non-HSLI
Reminder: Registration Open for Upcoming CARLI SCOERs Online Workshops (Aug. 16, 23, and 24)
(via Dr. Michele Leigh, CARLI) I just wanted to take a minute to remind everyone of our upcoming Illinois SCOERs workshops. While these were designed for the Illinois SCOERs awardees, they are open to ALL CARLI members. We hope you will join us. “Illinois SCOERs: Copyright Basics and Creative Commons Licensing” Tuesday, August 16, 10:00-11:30…
Upcoming CARLI SCOERs Sub-Grant Events This Week and Next
(via Dr. Michele Leigh, CARLI) This is a friendly reminder that we have a few upcoming events related to the Illinois SCOERs sub-grants this week and next. First, if you are interested, or know someone who might be interested, in applying for the second round of funding of the Illinois SCOERs sub-grants but would like…
HSLI Member Michelle Nielsen Ott’s Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award Mentioned on Medical Library Association’s Homepage
(via the Medical Library Association) The Medical Library Association’s homepage includes an announcement on Michelle Nielsen Ott’s winning the Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award. She is also an MLA Research Training Institute Fellow. The article is available here. Again, congratulations!
Call for Applicants: 2023 Class of ALA Emerging Leaders (Deadline Fri., Sept. 9, 2022)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) The American Library Association (ALA) is now accepting applications for the 2023 class of Emerging Leaders (EL). The ALA EL program is a leadership development program which enables newer library workers from across the country and Canada to participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look…
Call for Nominations: I Love My Librarian Award (Deadline Fri., Sept. 30)
(via the American Library Association) The American Library Association is inviting library users across America to submit nominations for the I Love My Librarian Award through Friday, September 30. Ten outstanding librarians will receive $5,000 and the honor of a lifetime, including being celebrated on stage at ALA’s LibLearnX Conference in New Orleans in January,…
Final Reminder: Nominations for JoVE Library Innovation Award in STEM Education and Research Due Mon., July 18 (Deadline Extension Possible)
(via Marita Eleftheriadou, JoVE) If you are a librarian who has supported STEM education and research at your institution using video resources, you could be the next JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) Librarian Innovation Award winner! All you need to do is the following. submit your essay in English (1000 words max) at the above link, describing…
HSLI Member Michelle Nielsen Ott is Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award Winner
(via the Illinois Library Association) HSLI member Michelle Nielsen Ott of Bradley University is the 2022 recipient of ILA’s Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award. Her involvement in HSLI includes serving as a member of the Conference Planning Committee, and she is also an active member of the newly-formed Journal Club. Among her other accomplishments,…
HSLI Member Stacey Knight-Davis Part of EIU Booth Library Team That Received 2022 Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award for Interlibrary Cooperation
(via the Illinois Library Association) HSLI member Stacey Knight-Davis of Eastern Illinois University is part of the Booth Library team that received the Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award for Interlibrary Cooperation. The Award recognizes sustained activity and contributions having a lasting impact on librarianship. More information about Booth Library’s project is below. In 2021, EIU’s Booth…
HSLI Member Laura Barnes Featured in ILA Member Spotlight
(via the Illinois Library Association) This week’s ILA Member Spotlight features Laura Barnes, who happens to be a member of HSLI, also. She is the sustainability information curator for the University of Illinois’s Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC), where she provides information services for ISTC’s engineers and scientists and coordinates ISTC’s strategic communications. She founded and…