(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University, on behalf of the Illinois Library Association) The ILA Awards Committee is now accepting nominations for the 2021 ILA awards. The ILA awards honor and recognize excellence in librarianship in Illinois. Now is the time to nominate a colleague, manager, mentor, or yourself for an ILA award. If you submitted a…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Deadline Extended — Call for Chapters: Intersections of Wellness and Leadership in Higher Education Text (Due Wed., Feb. 24)
(via Amy Tureen–University of Nevada, Las Vegas) The deadline for chapter proposals for the forthcoming text Intersections of Wellness and Leadership in Higher Education has been extended to Friday, February 24. Higher education employees are invited to submit chapters focused on the intersections of wellness and leadership of all types. Chapter topics can include, but are…
Call for Submissions Extended: Theological Librarianship’s Diversity Forum (New Deadline Sun., Feb. 28)
(via Garrett Trott, University Librarian at Corban University) In light of recent events in the country and in recognition of long-standing inequities in the library profession, Theological Librarianship (TL) is planning to devote the Spring 2021 issue to a forum addressing questions of diversity, equity, and inclusion in theological libraries and librarianship. Such questions take…
Call for Chapter Proposals: Upcoming MLA Publication Virtual Services in the Health Sciences Library (Deadline Sun., Jan. 31)
(via Pamela Bagley, Dartmouth College) The COVID-19 pandemic sowed chaos in early 2020 as libraries scrambled to shut down physical operations on short notice and quickly pivot to electronic resources and virtual services. As closures stretch on or limited re-openings have demanded new ways of viewing physical spaces, the timing is ideal to reflect on…
Call for Papers–DttP: Documents to the People Open-Access Journal
(via Laura Sare, Texas A&M University) The editors of the open-access journal DttP: Documents to the People are soliciting submissions for upcoming issues. We are interested in publishing articles on government information and government activities at the local, state, national, and international or intergovernmental levels. We are especially interested in articles regarding government and current events….
Call for Applicants: Evidence Synthesis Institute for Librarians Supporting Topics Outside of the Health Sciences (Deadline Sun., Jan. 31)
(via Julia Kelly, University of Minnesota) Mark your calendar for Tuesday, January 12, to apply for the Evidence Synthesis Institute for librarians. This will be an opportunity to enhance your database searching skills and learn about the possibilities for collaborating with researchers in conducting evidence syntheses across academic areas. On March 22, 23, and 24…
Call for Article Submissions: March and June Issues of ILA Reporter
(via the Illinois Library Association) The ILA Reporter Advisory Committee is calling for authors for the March and June 2021 issues. We are seeking the following types of pieces. articles that explore an issue, rather than promoting a particular initiative or program, with examples from more than one library or type of library writing that…
Call for Chapter Proposals–ACRL Publication Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies: Creating Space for All Learners (Deadline Fri., Jan. 15)
(via Melissa Mallon, Vanderbilt University) The call for chapter proposals is now open for Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies: Creating Space for All Learners, an upcoming ACRL Press publication. Published by ACRL Press. The link to the full call is here. The deadline to submit proposals is Friday, January 15. More information is below. About the…
Call for Submissions: Upcoming ILA Reporter Feature on Library Buildings (Deadline Wed., Jan. 20)
(via the Illinois Library Association) Has your library undergone renovations or new building in 2020? Share the news with the library community by submitting the project for the ILA Reporter “Library Buildings 2020” article in the March 2021 issue. Submissions should include the following. at least one high-resolution image of the exterior at least one…
Reminder: Illinois Library Association Seeking Committee Volunteers (Deadline Mon., Mar. 15, 2021)
(via the Illinois Library Association) Interested in serving on an ILA committee? ILA Vice President/President-Elect Jeanne Hamilton (Bloomington Public Library) will begin making appointments early in 2021, so now is the time to start thinking ahead. Appointments begin July 1, 2021, and most committee members serve two- or three-year terms. You must be a personal…