(via Qiana Johnson, Northwestern University) The Research & Statistics Committee of the Reference Services Section of the Reference & User Services Association (RUSA) invites submission of reference service research project proposals for presentation at the New Discoveries in Reference: The 27th Annual Reference Research Forum at the 2021 American Library Association Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. Researchers…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Call for Chapter Proposals Extended: ARCL Data Literacy Cookbook (New Deadline Sun., Oct. 18)
(via Kelly Getz, Eastern Michigan University) We are moving the deadline for the call for chapters in the ACRL Data Literacy Cookbook to Sunday, October 18, 2020 (because pandemic time is wibbly wobbly, timey wimey). You are welcome to submit a proposal for any of the topics listed below; however, we encourage you to consider…
Call for Proposals: MLA Webinars and Instructor-Led Courses (Deadline Sun., Nov. 1)
(via the Medical Library Association) Do you have expertise and skills to share with MLA members and the wider health information professional community? The MLA Education Committees are now accepting proposals for engaging and practical webinars and instructor-led courses for 2021 and beyond. The deadline for proposals is Sunday, November 1. Webinars are 90 minutes…
Reminder: Deadline to Apply for ACRL 2021 Virtual Conference Scholarships Extended to Friday, October 23
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) The deadline to apply for a scholarship to attend the ACRL 2021 Virtual Conference has been extended until Friday, October 23. Scholarships are available to early and mid-career librarians, library professional and support staff, library school students and recent graduates, and ALA Spectrum Scholars. All scholarships include complimentary registration…
Call for Breakout Session Proposals: 2021 Annual LOEX Conference (Online May 11-14) — Deadline Fri., Dec. 4
(via Samantha McClellan – California State University, Sacramento) LOEX 2021: Call for Breakout Session Proposals – “Information Literacy in a Time of Transformation” 49th Annual LOEX Conference May 11-14, 2021 Online In years past, LOEX has typically been able to bring librarians and information professionals together for a conference in cities around the country to…
Call for Volunteers: RAILS Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (Deadline Fri., Oct. 16)
(via Dan Bostrom, RAILS) The RAILS Board is forming an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee and we are looking for staff from our member libraries to participate, along with a few members of our board and a few RAILS staff serving as ex-officio members. The Committee charge is the following. to develop a shared…
Call for Nominations: Medical Library Association’s 2021-2022 Rising Star Award (Deadline Sun., Nov. 1)
(via Melanie Sorsby, Covenant Medical Center and School of Nursing) Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 MLA Rising Star program. For more information, follow the link below to the MLA Award site. The MLA Rising Star program gives members the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge, and personal characteristics needed to become a leader in…
Call for Proposals: Reaching Forward 2021 Conference (Deadline Fri., Nov. 20)
(via the Illinois Library Association) So much has changed since the 2020 Reaching Forward Conference was canceled in March. While we won’t be able to meet in-person in 2021, the Reaching Forward Forum strongly believes we need to be together, if that means meeting virtually, to fulfill the mission of Reaching Forward to provide professional…
Reminder: Election for HSLI Treasurer Open Through Tuesday, October 6
(via Elizabeth (Betsy) Sterner, Nominating and Elections Committee Chair) HSLI Members, This is a reminder that it is time to vote for your next HSLI Treasurer. We have two outstanding candidates running for office, Charlotte Beyer and Goeff Pettys. Please check your e-mail for their bios and the link to the ballot. The online ballot…
Call for Proposals: MLA 2021 Annual Meeting (First Deadline Wed., Oct. 21, 2020)
(via the Medical Library Association) The 2021 National Program Committee invites submissions for immersion sessions, papers, posters, and lightning talks. There will be two abstract submission rounds for MLA ’21. Round 1: contributed papers and immersion sessions (September 15-October 21) Round 2: posters and lightning talks (December 11-January 22) The submission site for contributed papers and…