(via Catherine Manci, Georgia Tech University) I am pleased to invite you to the Georgia Tech Library’s virtual symposium The Interaction of Privacy and Autonomy in the Digital Age from Wednesday, August 26, to Thursday, August 27. Distinguished researchers from Georgia Tech will explore the topic of privacy through the lens of their respective fields, and Alison Macrina from the…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Reminder: Illinois Library Association Seeking Volunteers for Awards Committee and Best Practices Committee (Deadline Tues., Sept. 1)
(via the Illinois Library Association) We are seeking to fill vacancies on the Awards Committee and the Best Practices Committee. The Awards Committee administers the awards and recognition program of the association annually; publicizes the awards to attract qualified nominees; selects association-wide award winners. The Best Practices Committee promotes excellence in the Illinois library community by…
Call for Proposals: Popular Culture Association’s 2021 Annual Conference Area for Libraries, Archives, and Museums (Deadline Mon., Nov. 16, 2020)
(via Casey Hoeve, University of Nebraska – Lincoln) The Popular Culture Association annual conference will be held June 2-5, 2021, at the Boston Marriott Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts. The Libraries, Archives, and Museums area is soliciting papers dealing with any aspect of Popular Culture as it pertains to libraries, archives, museums, or research. Possible topics include…
Reminder: RAILS Seeking Contributors for My Library Is… Blog
(via RAILS) In this recent blog post, Outreach Services Manager Tana Petrov from Fountaindale Public Library District highlights the library’s virtual outreach journey over the past few months. Tana writes, “In the midst of the pandemic, ‘virtual outreach’ gained a new meaning, became a core service, and a public priority.” Read more on the My Library…
Call for Proposals: #OpenEd20 “Reimagining Open Education” Online Conference (Nov. 9-13) — Deadline Tue., Sept. 1
(via Sarah Hutton, University of Massachusetts Amherst) The theme of the 2020 Open Education Conference is “Reimagining Open Education”. This theme reflects how the events of 2020 have underscored urgent challenges in education–both new and longstanding–from the rapid pivot online in response to a global pandemic, structural inequities including systemic racism, and barriers to the…
Call for Chapter Proposals: ARCL Data Literacy Cookbook (Deadline Wednesday, September 30)
(via Kelly Getz, Eastern Michigan University) The call for chapters for the ACRL Data Literacy Cookbook–edited by Kelly Getz, Eastern Michigan University and Meryl Brodsky, University of Texas – Austin–is now open. We are seeking proposals from academic librarians for chapters describing practiced lesson plans, curriculum map development, activities, and events designed to promote and…
Call for Proposals: ACRL Publication Critical Ethnic Studies in Academic and Research Libraries (Deadline Friday, October 2)
(via Dr. Raymond Pun, Alder Graduate School of Education) We are issuing a call for proposals for an edited volume tentatively titled Critical Ethnic Studies in Academic and Research Libraries, to be published by ACRL. This book focuses on how academic and research libraries respond and support ethnic studies, an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary field. The book aims to…
Reminder: Deadline to Submit a Poster Proposal for ILA 2020 Virtual Conference (Oct. 20-22) is Monday, Aug. 31
(via the Illinois Library Association) The Illinois Library Association (ILA) Conference Program Committee invites applications for poster sessions at the 2020 ILA Virtual Annual Conference, taking place from Tuesday, October 20, to Thursday, October 22. Poster sessions will be featured on the ILA website (an example can be found here. The online poster session will become available…
Call for Chapter Proposals: ACRL Press Publication Using Open Educational Resources to Promote Social Justice (Deadline Friday, October 30)
(via CJ Ivory, University of West Georgia) We invite proposals for the forthcoming book from ACRL Press, Using Open Educational Resources to Promote Social Justice. Focus of the Book Many academic institutions recognize the benefits Open Educational Resources (OERs) offer to their students and are investing heavily in the development of open course materials. Several…
Second Call for Chapter Proposals: ACRL Press Publication Teaching Critical Reading Skills: Strategies for Academic Librarians (Deadline Thursday, October 1)
(via Rachel Hamelers, Muhlenberg College) This is the second call for chapter proposals for the upcoming ACRL Press publication Teaching Critical Reading Skills: Strategies for Academic Librarians. Have you created library instructional or outreach activities focused on student reading? If you have case studies, lesson plans, stories, or programmatic approaches aimed at developing active, engaged,…