(via the Illinois Library Association) The Illinois Library Association (ILA) Conference Program Committee invites applications for poster sessions at the 2020 ILA Virtual Annual Conference, taking place October 20th – 22nd. Poster sessions will be featured on the ILA website (an example can be found here. The online poster session will become available at 9:00 AM…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Call for Bloggers: ALA’s Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services (Deadline to Express Interest is Friday, August 7)
(via Amber Hayes, American Library Association) Intersections, ODLOS’ blog, is seeking blog posts from library workers and students on the following topics: How you practice self-care in 2020 and/or any recommendations you have for those feeling overwhelmed. Any anti-racism work your institution is doing. Interested in writing for Intersections but on a different topic? We…
RAILS Seeking Academic Library Staff Member to Fill Open Board Position (Term Ends June 30, 2023) — Deadline to Apply is Monday, August 10
(via Dan Bostrom, RAILS) As the result of a recent resignation from the RAILS Board, we are looking for an academic library staff member from a RAILS library to fill the remainder of a term that ends June 30, 2023. The successful candidate will be asked to actively participate in 11 board meetings per year….
Call for Proposals: ACRL Programs at 2021 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago (Deadline Sept. 30, 2020)
(via ACRL) The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) invites its committees, sections, interest groups, and individual members to consider submitting program proposals for the 2021 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. Program proposals will be submitted via a centralized submission site for all ALA Divisions, RoundTables, Committees, and Offices. ACRL members must choose “ACRL” on…
Reminder: Poster, Paper, and Lightning-Talk Proposals for Joint Midcontinental and Midwest Chapter/MLA 2020 Annual Meeting (Online Oct. 14-16) Due Friday, July 31
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library at Northwestern University) This is a reminder that proposals for papers, posters, and lightning talks at the Joint Midcontinental and Midwest Chapter MLA 2020 Annual Meeting are due soon. More information is below. Dates: October 14-16, 2020 (online) Theme: Becoming a Health Literacy Superhero Registration cost: $25 for…
Reminder: Proposals for Visual Resources Association 2021 Conference (March 23-26 in Chicago) Due Monday, July 27
(via the Illinois Library Association) The Visual Resources Association (VRA), a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to furthering research and education in the field of image management within the educational, cultural heritage, and commercial environments, is accepting proposals for papers, sessions, special interest/user groups, and workshops for its 2021 conference program. The VRA 2021 Annual Conference will…
Call for Poster Proposals: 2020 ILA Virtual Conference (Oct. 20-22) — Deadline Monday, August 31
(via the Illinois Library Association) The Illinois Library Association (ILA) Conference Program Committee invites applications for poster sessions at the 2020 ILA Virtual Annual Conference, taking place from Tuesday, October 20, to Thursday, October 22. Poster sessions will be featured on the ILA website (an example can be found here. The online poster session will become available at…
Call for Nominations Extended: Candidates for 2021 ALA Elections (New Deadline Friday, July 31)
(via the American Library Association) The ALA 2021 Nominating Committee announces a deadline extension for completing the candidate biographical form for the positions of Councilor-at-Large and President-elect. The new deadline is Friday, July 31, 2020. During this unprecedented time, the ALA 2021 Nominating Committee acknowledges that more time is needed for interested candidates to consider…
Call for Applicants: IMLS National Leadership Grants for Libraries Program (Deadline Friday, October 2)
(via the Illinois Library Association) The Institute of Museum and Library Services is accepting applications for the National Leadership Grants for Libraries Program (NLG-L). The program support projects that enhance the quality of library and archive services nationwide by advancing theory and practice. Successful proposals will generate results such as new tools, research findings, models,…
Call for Contributors: ALA Publication 50+ Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Programs in Libraries (Deadline Saturday, August 15)
(via Ellyssa Kroski, New York Law Institute) We are seeking contributing authors who would like to author projects in an upcoming book, 50+ Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Programs in Libraries, edited by Ellyssa Kroski and to be published by The American Library Association. The publication 50+ Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Programs in Libraries…