(via the Online Learning Consortium) Wherever November finds us, the OLC Accelerate program now offers flexible presentation and attendance options. OLC Invites you to submit a presentation proposal for OLC Accelerate 2020, “20/20 Vision: Envisioning the Future of Online, Blended and Digital Learning”. The conference is currently scheduled for November 17-20 in Orlando, Florida, and a virtual…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Call for Reviewers: Choice/ACRL Core Bibliography (Priority Deadline Monday, June 1)
(via Anne Doherty–Project Editor, Resources for College Libraries) The database Resources for College Libraries (RCL), the Choice/ACRL bibliography of essential titles for undergraduate teaching and research, seeks experienced library subject selectors and faculty to serve as peer reviewers. We are currently seeking referees for the following RCL Arts and Humanities subjects. American Literature British Literature Classical…
Call for Participation: Survey on Academic Library Employees Acting as Instructional Designers During COVID-19
(via Kristin Cole, Otterbein University) I am conducting a survey on academic library employees and their work during the transition to online classes in Spring 2020 due to COVID-19. The purpose of this study is to determine the percentage of academic library employees who performed instructional design duties during this transition, which may include tasks…
Call for Presenters: Creative Ideas in Technical Services Interest Group Lightning Talks During ALCTS Virtual Interest Group Week (June 8-12) — Deadline Tuesday, May 26
(via Jennifer Maddox Abbott, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign) The Creative Ideas in Technical Services Interest Group (CITSIG) of ALCTS seeks presenters for lightning talks for its session at ALCTS Virtual Interest Group Week, June 8-12, 2020. We’re looking for quick, bite-size (5-10 minutes) talks on what creative ideas and practices you’re currently implementing…
Deadline for Illinois Library Association Awards Nominations Extended to Friday, May 29
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago, on behalf of the Illinois Library Association) The ILA Awards Committee has extended the deadline for award nominations to Friday, May 29. We urge you to help shine the spotlight on the wonderful work of the Illinois library community and nominate a colleague, manager, mentor, or yourself…
Midwest Data Librarian Symposium 2020 to Take Place Virtually (Date TBD), and Survey on Sessions and Format Closes May 22
(via Cameron Cook, University of Wisconsin-Madison) Given the current impact of COVID-19 on our daily lives, it is difficult to know what the fall of this year will look like for many of us. Given that travel may be difficult due to limited professional development budgets or potential risks to health, the 2020 planning committee…
Call for Proposals Extended: ACRL 2021 Conference (April 14-17 in Seattle) — New Deadline Friday, May 22, for Certain Categories of Sessions
(via ACRL)? ACRL has extended the proposal deadline for the ACRL 2021 Conference, “Ascending into an Open Future”, to be held April 14-17, 2021, in Seattle. We know there’s a lot going on right now so we’ve extended the contributed paper, panel session, preconference, and workshop proposal deadline to Friday, May 22, 2020. ACRL 2021 offers…
Call for Participation: Survey for Academic Librarians and Archivists with Invisible Disabilities (Deadline Friday, May 15)
(via Katelyn Manwiller, DeSales University) My name is Katelyn Quirin Manwiller, and I am a librarian at DeSales University. I’m working with a team of library researchers, Samantha Peter from University of Wyoming, Heather Crozier from Ohio Northern University, and Amelia Anderson from Old Dominion University. We are writing to invite you to participate in…
Registration Still Open, and Schedule Now Available, for RAILS/IACRL Online Event “Spark: Connect and Get Fired Up!” (Friday, May 15, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM)
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago, on behalf of Dan Bostrom, RAILS) Next week, join your academic libraries from around Illinois for “Spark: Connect and Get Fired Up!”. This free online event, which the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) and the Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries (IACRL) are sponsoring, will…
Deadline for Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award Nominations Extended to Friday, May 22
(via the Illinois Library Association) This is a reminder that nominations for the Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award are due Friday, May 22. (The Illinois Library Association has decided to extend the deadline for all awards by one week.) The general criteria are below. Additional information, including instructions for submitting a nomination, is…