(via Elizabeth Kocevar-Weidinger, Virginia Military Institute) The Innovative Library Classroom (TILC) is pleased to announce the William & Mary Libraries Travel Grant to attend the 2020 conference, held at William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA on June 4 and 5. The grant will help someone from an underrepresented and/or marginalized group attend the conference by…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Call for Proposals: ACRL Technical Services Interest Group Presentations at ALA Annual (June 28, 4:00-5:00 PM) –Deadline April 3
(via Cynthia Romanowski, Governors State University) The ACRL Technical Services Interest Group invites presentation proposals for its ALA Annual Conference in Chicago on Sunday, June 28, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. The ACRL Technical Services Interest Group seeks speakers to submit proposals for short (15-20 minutes) presentations. The charge of the Interest Group is “To…
LLAMA Seeking Mentors and Mentees for 2020-2021 (Deadline Friday, February 28)
(via Lorelei Rutledge, University of Utah) The ALA LLAMA (Library Leadership & Management Association) Mentoring Committee is recruiting for both mentors and mentees for our July 2020-June 2021 year. The LLAMA Mentoring Program pairs librarians who are currently in leadership positions with librarians who are interested in becoming leaders. This year, in the spirit of…
Call for Proposals: ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Research Committee’s Virtual Research Forum (Deadline March 18)
(via Annie Armstrong, University of Illinois at Chicago) The Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Research Committee of ACRL invites proposals for presentations at their virtual research forum, to be held online in early May, 2020. The Research Forum offers librarians an opportunity to present research that is currently underway through a 10-minute lightning talk format. Participation…
Call for Proposals: Beyond the Numbers Conference (Nov. 18-20 in St. Louis) — Deadline June 30
(via Rashelle Nagar, Yale University) Beyond the Numbers: Hindsight is 20/20 November 18, 19 & 20, 2020 Call for Proposals Submission deadline: Tuesday, June 30 The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis seeks submissions for its fourth biennial conference on economic information: “Beyond the Numbers: Hindsight is 20/20.” Looking back, what lessons have you learned…
Call for Panelists: Illinois Digital Heritage Hub Presentation at ILA Annual (Deadline Monday, Feb. 24)
(via Anne Craig, CARLI Senior Director) You may know that CARLI Digital Collections along with many other members’ collections are part of the Illinois Digital Heritage Hub (IDHH). The IDHH is the Digital Public Library of America’s Illinois Service Hub . Please see the following about a proposal for the Illinois Library Association’s Annual Conference….
Reminder: Proposals for Open Education Southern Symposium (July 16-17 at North Carolina State University) Due Sunday, February 16
(via Stephanie Pierce, University of Arkansas) The Open Education Southern Symposium’s Program Committee wants remind everyone that proposals are due Sunday, February 16. OESS is committed to highlighting a variety of voices and experiences in our programs and first time presenters are highly encouraged to submit a proposal. Below is our CFP and submission details: …
Call for Volunteers: CARLI Alma Acquisitions Workflows Advisory Group (Deadline Monday, February 17)
(via Jen Masciadrelli, CARLI) The CARLI Office is seeking volunteers to serve on a short-term advisory group to help develop initial workflows and best practices for Acquisitions in Alma. We are interested in documenting workflows for both print and electronic acquisitions in Alma, for both monograph and serial ordering. We have heard anecdotal feedback at…
Call for Applicants: ARL (Association of Research Libraries) Digital Scholarship Institute, June 15-19 in Champaign–Deadline Friday, March 13
(via Anne Craig, CARLI Senior Director) The ARL Academy<https://t.e2ma.net/click/9504vb/hcrfxc/13hm4i> is accepting applications for the fifth iteration of the ARL Digital Scholarship Institute<https://t.e2ma.net/click/9504vb/hcrfxc/hwim4i>, with a deadline of Friday, March 13, 2020. The Digital Scholarship Institute is a five-day, cohort-based opportunity for library professionals and graduate students who are new to digital scholarship and would like to…
Call for Proposals: Emerging Learning Design Conference, May 29 at Penn State – University Park and Online (Deadline March 15)
(via Teresa Slobuski, Pennsylvania State University – Brandywine) Emerging Learning Design Conference 2020 Open All Hours: The Power of Open for Education’s Future Friday, May 29th, 2020 Learn more and Submit by March 15th: http://bit.ly/ELD2020 As we enter a new decade of the budding millenia, open has permeated all areas of academia. In research, funding…