(via Toni Anaya, University of Nebraska – Lincoln) The ACRL Instruction Section Conference Program Planning Committee seeks proposals on the following topic for a virtual program in the late spring 2019: Library and information science literature has devoted increasing interest and attention to the topic of social justice. We aim to move beyond the theoretical…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Conference Registration and Awards Nominations Open for Reaching Forward 2019
(via the Illinois Library Association) Join us at the 30th annual Reaching Forward Conference! Every year, Reaching Forward features the best original content and ideas for all levels of library professionals. And this year is no exception, with session topics ranging from how to manage significant change, deal with bias, creating a work-life balance, best…
Call for Nominations: IACRL Officer Elections
(via Carolyn Ciesla, IACRL Past President) Please consider running for a position on the IACRL Executive Board for next year! Available positions are Vice President/President-elect and Secretary. Terms are for one year, and responsibilities include regular executive board meetings and some committee work. If you’re interested, or you think you know someone who may be,…
Reminder: Submission Deadline for ALA Publication Diversity and Inclusion in Action is 2/15
(via Chris Bombaro, Dickinson College) There is still plenty of time to submit proposals for a forthcoming ALA publication, Diversity and Inclusion in Action: Case Studies for Academic Libraries. This collection will describe the innovative work of academic librarians who have implemented initiatives that have helped their organizations understand and address issues surrounding diversity, equity,…
Call for Proposals: “Shaping the Future of Libraries with Instructional Design” Virtual Conference (Final Deadline 2/25)
(via Amanda Izenstark, University of Rhode Island) I am writing to bring your attention to the upcoming Library 2.019 Virtual Conference on *”Shaping the Future of Libraries with Instructional Design <https://www.library20.com/instructionaldesign>”*. This is the first conference of its type, an online and participatory conference that presents a unique opportunity to showcase research, work, and/or thinking…
Call for Volunteers: Illinois Library Association Committees
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago, on behalf of the Illinois Library Association) Interested in serving on an ILA committee? Appointments are now being considered for the coming program year. Appointments begin July 1, 2019. More information is below. ILA’s committees provide major support services for ILA membership, leadership, special interest groups, and the Executive…
Reminder: Registration Still Open for Designing for Digital Conference (March 4-6)
(via Kris Johnson, Montana State University) D4D19 is 7 weeks away! D4D (Designing for Digital) is a three-day conference packed with intensive, hands-on workshops and 30+ informative sessions meant to bring together colleagues working on user experience, discovery, design and usability projects inside and outside of libraries, drawing expertise from the tech and education communities,…
Request for Input on ILA Reporter Article Covering Libraries and Community Relationships
(via Sarah McHone-Chase, Northern Illinois University) I am writing an article for the ILA Reporter, and I would like to hear about the experience of others. At Northern Illinois University Libraries, we have other University offices in our building: tutoring, Writing Center, and others–even our Caribou Coffee. So, we have a lot of people who…
Call for Proposals: Social Future of Academic Libraries Book (Deadline Extended to 1/31)
(via Dr. Tim Schlak, Robert Morris University) We are seeking contributions for a new book on The Social Future of Academic Libraries building on our panel session at ACRL 2017 viewing libraries through the lens of intellectual and social capital. Our point of departure is the current focus in college and university libraries on engagement, partnerships, community development, and social relations. The social turn in academic librarianship requires new ways of working…
Call for Presenters–March 26 CARLI Symposium on Emerging E-Resources: Streaming Video and Usage Statistics (Deadline Jan. 28)
(via Cindy Clennon, CARLI) The CARLI Commercial Products Committee is planning a symposium on March 26, 2019 in Champaign focusing on two emerging issues in e-resources: streaming video and usage statistics. The Committee is soliciting volunteers who would be willing to participate in a moderated panel and/or a breakout session addressing the following topics: Streaming…