(via Melissa Jadlos, St. John Fisher College) Are you, or do you know a new College Library Director? If you are a new Library Director at a small college library, please consider joining the College Library Director Mentoring Program. The program, now in its 26th year, is designed to enhance leadership capabilities of new college…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Voting for Best Illinois Books (in Honor of Bicentennial) Closes June 8
(via Bonnie Matheis, Illinois State Library) Illinois’ bicentennial best-of voters have until 11:59 PM on Friday, June 8, to pick the state’s best books. (Voting is open to all Illinois residents.) The latest Illinois Top 200 list is focusing on books written by Illinois authors or about Illinois subjects. “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair is…
Call for Proposals: 2018 OCLC Americas Regional Council Conference in Chicago Oct. 25-26 (Deadline July 13)
(via Mary Konkel, College of DuPage) Share your expertise-present at ARC18 On October 25-26, leaders across all library types will come together at the OCLC Americas Regional Council Conference in Chicago, Illinois, USA, to share ideas, learnings, and insights, helping the entire community move forward to change the game. We invite you to contribute to…
Call for ACRL Science and Technology Section (STS) Liaisons (Deadline June 7)
(via Ginny Pannabecker, Virginia Tech University) This message is sent on behalf of the ACRL STS Liaisons Committee. Call for Science and Technology Section Liaisons Are you a member of a science/technology organization? Do you normally attend the conference/meeting of the organization? Would you like to be more involved in STS, or would if you…
Reminder: Registration for 2018 Connecticut Information Literacy Conference Closes June 1
(via Kyle Lynes, University of Hartford) Instructional Design for Today’s Student 2018 Connecticut Information Literacy Conference Friday, June 15, 2018 University of Hartford, Hartford, CT 8:30 am – 3:00 pm Instructional Design (ID) can call to mind different things depending on the industry, one’s role, or the given task at hand. Our conference this year…
Reminder: Early-Bird Registration for Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference Closes Tuesday, May 29
(via Margaret Chambers, CARLI, on behalf of the Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference) Register NOW for the 5th annual GLRSC: Charting Our Course Together on June 7-8, 2018 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Perrysburg, OH. Schedule in brief: Thursday, June 7, 2018 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. or 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. – Northwest Book Depository Tours 1:00 to 1:15 p.m….
Registration Open for Library Instruction West 2018 (July 18-20)
(via Laureen Cantwell, Colorado Mesa University) Don’t forget to register for Library Instruction West 2018! Conference schedule can be viewed here! Dates: Pre-Conference = 7.18 (Weds.), Conference = 7.19 & 7.20 (Thurs, Fri) Location: Colorado Mesa University in sunny, scenic Grand Junction Colorado Conference Theme: The Confluence of Inspiration and Adventure! Keynoter (and Pre-Conference Leader): Maria Konnikova (Maria is a science…
Registration and Call for Proposals Open: Code4Lib Southeast 2018 on July 27
(via Justin de la Cruz, Atlanta University Center) We’re seeking presenters for Code4Lib Southeast 2018. July 27, 2018–10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library Atlanta, Georgia We’re accepting proposals for the following types of sessions. · Presentations (20-minute talk, 5-minute Q&A) · Lightning talks (5-minute talk, 2-minute Q&A) · Breakout…
Call for Chapter Proposals: ACRL Publication on New Approaches to Liaison Librarianship in Academic Libraries (Deadline Sept. 14)
(via Robin Canuel, McGill University) Call for Chapters: New Approaches to Liaison Librarianship: Innovations in Instruction, Collections, Reference, and Outreach Proposals are sought for an upcoming ACRL publication on new approaches to liaison librarianship in academic libraries. Proposal Submission Deadline: September 14, 2018 Publisher: Association of College & Research Libraries Editors: Robin Canuel (McGill University…
RUSA Seeking Feedback for Draft of Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (Deadline 6/1)
(via Leighann Wood, RUSA) A RUSA working group has drafted an aspirational statement of RUSA values as it concerns equity, diversity and inclusion in community with our users and fellow members. The working group & RUSA Board welcome your comments & feedback. The draft can be viewed and commented on in ALA Connect (member login required). Please comment…