(via Xiaojie Duan, University of Southern Mississippi) Dear all, I am sorry for any cross-posting. My name is Xiaojie Duan, a catalog librarian and assistant professor of the Technical Services Department, University of Southern Mississippi (USM) Libraries. I am conducting a research project using online questionnaire to gain a better understanding of how international Chinese…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Call for Applicants: ACRL Liaison to Council of Independent Colleges (Deadline June 15)
(via Michelle Twait, Gustavus Adolphus College) The ACRL College Libraries Section (CLS) is currently seeking applications to serve a three-year term (July 2019- July 2022) as the ACRL liaison to the Council of Independent Colleges<http://www.cic.edu/Pages/default.aspx> (CIC). Liaisons are responsible for outreach, education, and communication between CIC and ACRL in order to form strong relationships and…
Call for Abstracts: New Review of Academic Librarianship Issue on Innovative Learning and Teaching (Deadline July 2)
(via Sheila Corrall, University of Pittsburgh) The New Review of Academic Librarianship will publish a themed issue on Innovations in Learning and Teaching in Academic Libraries in summer 2019. The guest editors are Sheila Corrall, Professor of Library and Information Science, University of Pittsburgh, USA (scorrall@pitt.edu) and Liz Jolly, Director of Student and Library Services, Teesside University, UK (liz.jolly@tees.ac.uk)….
ALA Nominating Committee Seeking Candidates for 2019 Election (Deadline July 11)
(via JoAnne Kempf, American Library Association) The Nominating Committee for the 2019 ALA election is soliciting nominees to run on the 2019 spring ballot for the offices of ALA President-elect, Treasurer, and Councilor-at-large. The Nominating Committee will select two candidates to run for President-elect, two candidates to run for Treasurer, and no fewer than 50…
Call for Participation: Survey on Fake News
(via Mary Taylor, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale) Dear Library Staff: We are faculty members in Library Affairs at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. The purpose of the linked survey is to determine the response of you, your library, and campus to the topic of fake news. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to…
Call for Applicants: 2018/2019 NLM/AAHSL Leadership Fellows Program (Deadline June 15)
(via Pat Thibodeau-Program Director, NLM/AASHL Leadership Fellows Program) The National Library of Medicine (NLM) and AAHSL are pleased to announce the opening of applications for the 2018-2019 Leadership Fellows Program. The Program is focused on preparing emerging leaders for the position of library director in academic health sciences libraries. The application deadline is Friday, June 15….
Reminder: Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award Nominations Due May 15
(via Lindsay Harmon, IACRL Past President) Do you know an Illinois academic librarian who is making an outstanding statewide contribution to academic/research librarianship and library development? Nominate them for the Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year award! The award is presented annually by the Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries Forum and sponsored by…
CARLI Resource Sharing Committee Seeking Input on Fall Forum Topics
(via Debbie Campbell, CARLI) Save the date for the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee’s Fall Forum that will take place on Thursday, October 25, at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield. To help the committee plan the event, please complete this brief, anonymous survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2018ForumRS You can send any questions about the survey, or the event,…
Program Proposals Deadline for 2018 International Visual Literacy Association Conference (Nov. 1-4 in Chicago) Extended to May 31
(via Dana Stratton, Murray State University) The deadline for 2018 International Visual Literacy Association conference proposal submission has been extended to Thursday, May 31. The 2018 IVLA Conference will be held in Chicago, on November 1-4, and it will be a celebration of the organization’s 50th anniversary. The conference theme is “Viewing the Past, Picturing the Present, Designing…
Call for Panelists: STS Hot Topics Discussion Group Session at ALA Annual
(via Paul Hottinger, Cal Poly Ponoma University) The STS Hot Topics Discussion Group has begun planning for the ALA 2018 session. This year’s session topic will be “Diversity & Inclusion in STEM Librarianship”. If anyone going to ALA would be interested in participating in the panel, please contact me, at prhottinger@cpp.edu, for more information. The…