(via Kathy Shields, Wake Forest University) The sixth Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians (entrelib.org) will explore how librarians have been entrepreneurial in their own professional development and how this drives the way we serve our communities. In the last several years we’ve seen a variety of new positions emerge to meet new opportunities in academic, public and special…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Illinois Heartland Library System Offering Bdigital Demonstrations for Academic and Public Libraries
(via Michelle Haake, CARLI, on behalf of Lesley Zavediuk, IHLS) Is your library interested in providing access to eMagazines, exclusive eAudiobooks, and more for your patrons? If the answer is yes and you work at a public or academic library in IHLS, you should attend an upcoming in-person demonstration of RBdigital. Pick the location and time that works best…
Proposals Deadline for New Librarian Summit Extended to April 27
(via Laurie Borchard, San Jose State University) To support early career Librarians, the New Librarian Summit (NLS) Organizing Committee invites proposals for its second annual Conference on the specific theme, “Exploring New and Innovative Approaches in LIS.” This event aims to provide practical strategies, hands-on methods, networking, and professional development opportunities to recently graduated and/or recently appointed…
Call for Peer Reviewers–Weave: The Journal of Library User Experience (Deadline May 18)
(via Courtney Greene McDonald, Indiana University Bloomington) Weave: The Journal of Library User Experience, is seeking library and UX experts to serve as peer reviewers. Peer reviewers should have strong writing skills, have experience with peer review (either as an author who has published peer-reviewed work or as a peer reviewer for a journal), and…
Call for Submissions and Nominations: ACRL Instruction Section’s PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online
(via Sarah LeMire, Texas A&M University) The Peer Reviewed Instructional Materials Online (PRIMO) Committee of the ACRL Instruction Section invites you to submit your online information literacy tutorial, virtual tour, or other online library instruction project for review and possible inclusion in PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online. ***Deadlines for Spring 2018 *** Nominations: Wednesday, April 25 Submissions: Wednesday,…
Call for Proposals: Open Education Southern Symposium (Deadline May 31)
(via Stephanie Pierce, University of Arkansas) CFP: Open Education Southern Symposium OPENING EDUCATION: Using Open Education & Open Pedagogy to Transform Learning and the Educational Experience The Open Education Southern Symposium at the University of Arkansas is accepting proposals for its day and a half conference on Monday, Oct. 1 and Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2018….
Call for Co-Panelists: ACRL 2019 Session on the Framework and IL Skills of First-Year Students
(via John Oliver, The College of New Jersey) Are you using the Framework to assess, structure, or advocate for first-year information literacy learning? Care to be an ACRL co-panelist? Student transitions to college are challenging and ever-evolving. From their very first days in our classrooms, we want students to learn what they need to know…
Reminder: Deadline to Volunteer for a CARLI Committee is Friday, April 27
(via Michelle Haake, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) Each year CARLI has a number of opportunities to serve on various committees. Service on CARLI committees affords individuals a unique opportunity to use their experience and expertise to help shape the future of the consortium and its services. CARLI is now seeking volunteers…
Early Registration for 2018 Midwest Chapter/MLA Conference Opens Saturday, April 14
(via Theresa Kline, Cleveland Clinic) Early Bird Registration opens this Saturday, April 14th, for the 2018 Midwest Chapter/MLA Conference in Cleveland, Ohio! We are excited to have you join us for three days of fun in the city of Rock and Roll! Some of the conference highlights include the following: Take a CE class on…
Reminder: ACRL 2019 Program Proposals Due May 4
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago) Share your research and creative endeavors with your colleagues at ACRL 2019 – Recasting the Narrative. Contributed paper, panel session, preconference, and workshop proposals are due Friday, May 4, 2018. Submit your proposal via the Call for Participation. Why Present at ACRL 2019? Advocate for your research, project, or initiative. Expand your…