(via Anna Zook, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire) The Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries (WAAL) Conference Planning Committee invites session, poster, and lightning talk proposals for the conference “Alphabet Soup: Finding Meaning in Academic Library Work”, to be held virtually on Wednesday, August 7. Sessions, poster, and lightning talks should engage with the theme…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Reminder: Paper Proposals for Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education Due Fri., April 19
(via Kristina Clement, Kennesaw State University) The call for papers for the Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (JOERHE) is now open. JOERHE welcomes original quantitative and qualitative research articles and innovative practice articles concerning Open Pedagogy, Open Data, and analyses of current topics in Open Educational Resources within the context of Higher…
Call for Applications: Health Science Librarians of Illinois Helen Knoll Jira Scholarship for Library Science Students–Deadline Sat., June 15
(via Holly Hudson, Jira Scholarship Committee Chair) The Health Science Librarians of Illinois Jira Scholarship Committee is excited to announce the start of the second year for the Helen Knoll Jira Scholarships for library science students. This year, we have decided to award two $5,000 prizes to our top candidates (double the award from last…
Call for Proposals: New Orleans Information Literacy Forum (Online Mon., July 29 – Fri., Aug. 2)–Deadline Fri., May 3
(via the event organizers) The nolaILC (New Orleans Information Literacy Collective) is seeking proposals for its annual conference, the New Orleans Information Literacy Forum. This year, the Forum will be held live virtually during the day from Monday, July 29, to Friday, August 2. (Sessions will also be recorded and subsequently made available to registered…
Call for Proposals–Library Research Seminar 8: Telling Library Stories (Mon., Sept. 16 – Wed., Sept. 18, in Lexington, KY)–Deadline Tues., April 30
(via Colleen Barrett, University of Kentucky) The call for proposals for Library Research Seminary 8: Telling Library Stories is now open. The conference will take place from Monday, September 16, to Wednesday, September 18, at the University of Kentucky campus in Lexington. The eighth Library Research Seminar (LRS8) will highlight the theme “Telling Library Stories”, by…
Call for Proposals: 2024 Southeastern Resource Sharing Conference (Thurs., Oct. 3 – Fri., Oct. 4, in Nashville, TN)–Deadline Fri., May 3
(via Margaret Ellingson, Emory University) The call for proposals for the 2024 Southeastern Resource Sharing Conference is now open. The event will take place at Vanderbilt University Law School in Nashville, Tennessee, on Thursday, October 3, and Friday, October 4, with an opening reception on Wednesday, October 2. The keynote speaker is Marshall Breeding. Come…
Reminder: Proposals for Free Inaugural Library Evidence Synthesis Services Symposium (Online Mon., June 24 – Wed., June 26) Due Wed., April 17
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) About the Conference: We are thrilled to announce the first inaugural Library Evidence Synthesis Services Symposium (LESSS), a groundbreaking, fully virtual conference aimed at bringing together information professionals involved in providing evidence synthesis support and/or services at their institutions. During this three-day…
Call for Submissions: Journal of Graduate Librarianship–Deadline Mon., April 8
(via Dr. Wendy Doucette, East Tennessee State University) If you are working on a paper within the scope of graduate librarianship, this is a reminder that Monday, April 8, is the submission deadline for our Fall, 2024, issue. Authors may submit manuscripts to either of two sections: Articles (i.e., peer-reviewed scholarly articles) or Sharing Our Stories (i.e., editor-reviewed…
Call for Proposals Extended: 11th Annual Virtual LILi (Lifelong Information Literacy) Conference (Thurs., July 25, and Fri., July 26)–New Deadline Mon., April 8
(via April Sheppard, Conference Committee Co-Chair) The LILi ((Lifelong Information Literacy) Conference Planning Committee invites everyone to submit a proposal to the 11th Annual Virtual LILi (Lifelong Information Literacy) Conference. It will take place online Thursday, July 25 (1:30-4:30 PM CDT) and Friday, July 26 (11:30 AM – 3:30 PM CDT). The theme is “New…
Call for Proposals Extended–IACRL’s OER Campus Kickstart: Award for Growing Illinois OER Programs (New Deadline Fri., April 12)
(via Kim Tipton, IACRL Communications Committee Chair) We understand the Illinois State Library OER Grant application is due Monday, April 1, and to ensure that those interested in applying for the OER Campus Kickstart: Award for Growing Illinois OER Programs, we are extending the application due date to Friday, April 12. Please consider applying! The…