(via Sue Kaler, Massachusetts Library System) The Rethinking Resource Sharing (RRS) (http://rethinkingresourcesharing.org/about/) Innovation Award (http://rethinkingresourcesharing.org/innovation-award/) recognizes and honors an individual or institution for changes they have made to improve users’ access to information through resource sharing in their library, consortium, state, province or country. The purpose of the award is to showcase innovation in resource…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Call for Panelists: ACRL 2019 Presentation on Multimodal Instruction
(via Delores Carlito, University of Alabama at Birmingham) I would like to put together a panel for ACRL 2019 on multimodal instruction. Topics can be: – Literacies (visual, media, digital, audio, cultural, spatial, etc.) – Threshold Concepts – Social Semiotics – How you teach students to search for or evaluate items other than “text” –…
Call for Proposals: College & Research Libraries News “Perspectives on the Framework” Column (Deadline May 1)
(via Sara Holder, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) College & Research Libraries News and ACRL’s Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee invite proposals for the publication’s “Perspectives on the Framework” column. This bimonthly column provides a forum for librarians to share implementations, best practices, critiques, explorations, and other perspectives developed from and in conversation with…
Call for Proposals: Academic Library Association of Ohio 2018 Conference (Deadline April 6)
(via the Academic Library Association of Ohio) The Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) conference planning committee invites you to submit proposals for the 44th Annual Conference, Take Action! Conveying Value, Cultivating Success, which will explore our impact on student engagement, student learning and student success. We all do great things that impact students, so let’s…
Reminder: Deadline to Volunteer for an ILA Committee is March 31
(via the Illinois Library Association) Interested in serving on an ILA committee? ILA President-Elect Cynthia Fuerst is making appointments for the coming program year. Appointments begin July 1, 2018, and most committee members serve two-year terms. Complete the Committee Interest Form by Saturday, March 31, to be considered. You must be a personal member of…
Registration and Agenda for 2018 Targeting Autism Forum Available
(via Suzanne Schriar, Illinois State Library) The Targeting Autism Forum will be held on May 17-18, 2018 in the atrium of the Illinois State Library in Springfield, IL. The full agenda for the forum is available at the State Library’s website. To register, send an email to Suzanne Schriar with a subject line that reads “Registration for the…
National Library of Medicine Seeking Feedback on Strategic Plan for 2017-2027
(via Elizabeth Kiscaden, Associate Director for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region, on behalf of Dr. Patricia Flatley Brennan, Director of the National Library of Medicine) I am pleased to present you with A Platform for Biomedical Discovery and Data-Powered Health, the NLM Strategic Plan for 2017-2027: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/plan/lrp17/NLM_StrategicReport2017_2027.html As it approaches…
New Date for 5th Annual LILi Conference / Call for Proposals Still Open
(via Esther Grassian, Pierce College and University of California, Los Angeles) Following is a message from Annie Knight, LILi Chair, re a date change for the 5th Free Annual LILi Conference. Please note that the date for the 5th Annual LILi Conference has changed from July 13 to Friday, August 17 (9am-1:30pm). The conference will still take…
Call for Presentations: RUSA STARS ILL Discussion Group at ALA Annual
(via Mark Sullivan, State University of New York at Geneseo) The ILL Discussion Group of the “Sharing and Transforming Access to Resources Section” (STARS) of RUSA invites the submission of 10-20 minute presentation topics for the 2018 American Library Association Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The ILL Discussion Group is a popular and valuable forum…
Call for Nominations: CARLI Board of Directors Election (Deadline April 4)
(via Michelle Haake, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) CARLI is seeking nominations for candidates to fill seats on the CARLI Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is the governing authority of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois. CARLI Governing Members will elect one Board member from each of…