(via Karen Gutzman, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The NNLM Data Visualization Challenge is now accepting submissions through Friday, April 12. Now’s your chance! Whether you have been thinking about trying a new tool, have interest in telling a data story about your favorite health topic, or if you need a…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Final Reminder: Proposals for 2024 ILA Annual Conference (Tues., Oct. 8 – Thurs., Oct. 10, in Peoria) Due Fri., April 5
(via the Illinois Library Association) Act fast! Your opportunity to present at this year’s ILA Annual Conference ends this Friday, April 5! The 2024 meeting will take place from Tuesday, October 8, to Thursday, October 10, at the Peoria Civic Center. Don’t miss out on sharing your great ideas, programs, or strategies with the Illinois…
Call for Participation: Survey on How Librarians Use Third-Party Generative AI Tools in Their Daily Work–Deadline Mon., April 15
(via Dr. Lili Luo, San Jose State University School of Information) We cordially invite you to participate in a survey seeking to examine how librarians use third-party Generative AI tools to aid their daily professional tasks. Your input will help deepen the understanding of effective applications of Generative AI in assisting librarians’ daily work and help…
Call for Proposals: Free Inaugural Library Evidence Synthesis Services Symposium (Online Mon., June 24 – Wed., June 26)–Deadline Wed., April 17
(via Jenessa McElfresh, University of Tennessee Health Science Center) About the Conference We are thrilled to announce the first inaugural Library Evidence Synthesis Services Symposium (LESSS), a groundbreaking, fully virtual conference aimed at bringing together information professionals involved in providing evidence synthesis support and/or services at their institutions. During this three-day event, attendees will have the…
Reminder: Illinois Library Association Seeking Nominations for Its 2024 Awards–Deadline Wed., May 15
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) If you are looking for a way to recognize someone at your library for their dedication and hard work, now is the time to nominate them for an Illinois Library Association award! An ILA award nomination is an excellent way to express appreciation for their contributions to the community,…
Call for Presenters: ACRL STS Scholarly Communication Committee Webinar on AI in Science and Technology Scholarly Communications (Wed., June 26, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT)–Deadline Fri., April 26
(via Clara Tran, Stony Brook University) The ACRL Science and Technology Section’s Scholarly Communication Committee is seeking three speakers for an online presentation on Wednesday, June 26, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CDT. The presentation will highlight research and projects about the implications and applications of artificial intelligence (AI) on science and technology scholarly communications….
Call for Proposals Extended: 14th Annual Connecticut Academic Library Conference (Online Fri., June 14)–New Deadline Mon., April 15
(via Jasmine Huff, Capital Community College) We are excited to announce that we are now accepting proposals for the 14th Annual Connecticut Academic Library Conference, formerly titled the Connecticut Information Literacy Conference, which will be held virtually on Friday, June 14. We have expanded our scope to include all under the academic library umbrella. The…
Call for Lightning Talk Proposals: Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians (Wed., July 10 – Fri., July 12, in Toronto)–Deadline Fri., May 3
(via Kristen Adams, Miami University in Ohio) The call to submit a lightning talk proposal for the Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians is now open. The event will take place in person at The University of Toronto in Toronto, Canada, from Wednesday, July 10, to Friday, July 12. Please see below for more…
Final Reminder: Submissions for Network of the National Library of Medicine’s Data Visualization Challenge Due Sun., March 31
(via Karen Gutzman, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The NNLM Data Visualization Challenge is accepting submissions through Sunday, March 31! If you have any questions or trouble uploading your submissions, please reach out to the National Evaluation Center at nec-dataviz@northwestern.edu.
Call for Proposals: Generative AI in Libraries Virtual Conference (Tues., June 11 – Thurs., June 13, 12:00-3:00 PM CDT Each Day)–Deadline Mon., April 1
(via Breanne Kirsch, University Librarian at Briar Cliff University) You are invited to submit a proposal for the inaugural Generative AI in Libraries (GAIL) virtual conference. This year’s theme is “Prompt or Perish: Navigating Generative AI in Libraries”. GAIL is a virtual conference aimed specifically at librarians. This conference seeks to explore the use of…