(via Jessica Koos, State University of New York at Stony Brook) Are you currently employed as a health sciences or medical librarian in the United States or Canada? If so, please consider participating in the “Background of Health Sciences Librarians” survey. The purpose of this study is to explore the various professional and educational factors…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Reminder: Student Volunteers Needed for HSLI 2017 Annual Conference (Application Deadline Sept. 22)
(via Emily Johnson, University of Illinois at Chicago Library of the Health Sciences – Peoria) If you are a health sciences library hosting a graduate assistant this semester or know of a graduate student interested in health sciences librarianship, we hope you will forward the message below to the person. We are accepting applications until…
Call for ACRL College Libraries Section Fall 2017 Newsletter Items
(via Lindsay Davis, University of California Merced) The ACRL College Libraries Section Communications Committee invites you to submit an article for the Fall, 2017, CLS Newsletter. Did you present at a conference? Are you having a program at ALA Midwinter? Did your library launch an interesting service this fall? Did your library have a successful…
ACRL Science and Technology Section Seeking Chat Leaders for Information Literacy Group
(via Kristen Cooper, University of Minnesota) The ACRL Science and Technology Section’s Information Literacy Chat Subcommittee is seeking proposals from librarians interested in leading an online discussion related to the theme “STEM, Library instruction, and applying the ACRL Framework“. We hope to hold chats once a month, using either Adobe Connect or WebEx. Discussion leaders…
ACRL Instruction Section Seeking Publication Editor for 2018-2020 (Applications due Dec. 1)
(via Meghan Sitar – University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) The ACRL Instruction Section is seeking a Publication Editor. This volunteer position provides final-round editing for IS publications. The position is intended to ensure that IS publications are consistent, professional, and polished, and that they reflect well on IS and on ACRL. This position is also…
Call for Submissions: ACRL College Libraries Section Innovation in College Librarianship Award (Deadline Dec. 1)
(via Eric Kidwell, Huntingdon College) College libraries across the land are coming up with new and innovative ways to connect with their students and faculty and demonstrate their continued value to college administrators. What have you done that could serve as a model for other college libraries? Apply for the CLS Innovation College Librarianship Award…
Nominations Sought for 2017 Starfish Thrower Award
(via Miranda Shake, HSLI President) Annually, we nominate a member of HSLI for the Starfish Thrower Award. The Award recognizes the efforts and contributions of an HSLI member toward the success of the organization. The Starfish Thrower Award is based on the story of the child who “makes a difference” by throwing stranded starfish back…
ALCTS Seeking 2018 Innovation Awards Nominations (deadline Dec. 1)
(via Keri Cascio-Executive Director, Association for Library Collections & Technical Services) Nominations are being accepted for the 2018 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) awards for innovation and collaboration. ALCTS presents two awards to honor individuals or groups whose work represents the finest achievements and leadership in collaboration and innovation. If you are…
ILA Diversity Survey Responses Sought (Deadline Sept.20)
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) The ILA Diversity Task Force wants to hear about the experiences of Illinois library workers from traditionally underrepresented groups in the field. Survey responses will be collected and examined to provide recommendations to ILA for the pursuit of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Illinois library community. Please complete…
Call for Abstract Reviewers: MLA 2018 Annual Meeting (Deadline to Sign Up Sept. 22)
(via Susan Steelman, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Library) The 2018 National Programming Committee invites reviewers for papers, posters and lightning talks for the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, to be held May 18-23, 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia. To apply, fill out the Reviewer Interest form by Friday, September 22. The link…