(via Meg Meiman, Indiana University Bloomington) There are still a few places left for the 2017 Indiana University Libraries Information Literacy Colloquium, so do please register if you plan to attend! The Colloquium will take place on Thursday, August 3, at Indiana University Southeast (New Albany, Indiana), and will run from 8:30 am – 4:00…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Save the Date: Re-think It 2018 in Austin, TX (January 8-10
(via Catherine Hamer, University of Texas at Austin) Save the date! Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age will take place January 8-10, 2018, in Austin, Texas. Registration is currently open. To receive updates and announcements, subscribe here. Re-think it 2018 is presented by the University of Texas Libraries, Austin Community College Library Services, and the Austin Public Library….
Call for Proposals: FACRL Annual Conference (“Fake News and Digital Literacy: The Academic Library’s Role in Shaping Digital Citizenship”)
(via Kim Copenhaver, President, Florida Chapter of ACRL) The Florida Chapter of ACRL (FACRL) is seeking proposals for presentations and poster sessions for the 2017 FACRL Annual Conference to explore digital literacy in higher education and the library’s responsibility to lead the charge toward the creation of learners with the requisite skills to engage critically and ethically with information…
ALADN Seeking Host City for 2019 Conference
(via Lindsay Harmon, IACRL President) Is your institution interested in making a proposal to host a future ALADN (Academic Library Advancement and Development Network) Conference? This is a great opportunity to showcase your city and host a valuable conference on library development. ALADN has created a more formal structure to help potential hosting institutions understand…
Charleston Conference Call for Papers Open Through Friday, July 14
(via Elizabeth Clarage, CARLI) The 2017 Charleston Conference call for papers, panels, speakers, poster sessions, and other events still open through Friday, July 14. Charleston Conference: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition is an annual conference held annually in Charleston, SC, each November (in 2017, it will be held from Tuesday, November 7, to Friday,…
Proposals Deadline for Privacy & Security for Today’s Library Conference Extended to 7/14
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) We hear a lot about how to handle difficult patrons, cybersecurity, and protecting patron data. However, other areas of security and privacy often get overlooked. Have you thought about your library’s equipment, archives, and even the building itself? On Thursday, September 21, Amigos Library Services will be hosting an online…
HSLI Annual Conference 2017: Call for Poster Abstracts
The Program Committee of HSLI invites proposals for posters for the HSLI Conference to be held October 26-27 in Bloomington, Illinois. The conference theme is “The Times are Changing.” We encourage you to take a literal or figurative approach to our theme (use your productive imagination). Ideas can include, but are not limited to the…
Applicants Sought for August 2017 NCBI-NLM Bioinformatics Hackathon
(via Derek Johnson, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) From Monday, August 14, to Wednesday, August 16, the NCBI, with involvement from several NIH institutes, will host a Biomedical Data Science hackathon at the National Library of Medicine on the NIH campus. The hackathon will primarily focus on medical informatics, advanced bioinformatics analysis of…
Deadline for Submissions to Midwest Chapter MLA & MHSLA Joint Annual Conference Extended to Aug. 1
(via Tyler Nix, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor) The Program Committee of the 2017 Midwest Chapter MLA & MHSLA Joint Annual Conference invites paper and poster abstract submissions on any topic of interest to the health sciences library community. The conference will be held October 13-16 in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Paper sessions will be held Sunday, October 15th…
Reminder: Deadline for IACRL@ILA Proposals is Friday, June 30
(via Lindsay Harmon, IACRL President) Did you miss the deadline to propose a program for the 2017 ILA Annual Conference? Good news: you have another chance! The ILA Conference Program Committee has reserved several spots for additional academic library programming. We’re especially interested in programs related to the following topics. marketing and outreach programming leadership instruction…