(via Denise Green, CARLI) The CARLI Instruction Committee is seeking presentation proposals for the 12th annual Instruction Showcase, to be held virtually on Tuesday, June 18. CARLI members and Illinois LIS students are welcome to submit proposals on all library instruction topics, and are encouraged to draw inspiration from the committee’s theme this year: New…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Reminder: Proposals for ACRL STS Research Committee’s Lightning Talks (Online Thurs., April 25) Due Fri., March 15
(via Andrew Stuart, Ohio University) The Research Committee of the ACRL Science and Technology Section (STS) invites proposals for a session of lightning talks to highlight research and practitioner projects related to science and technology librarianship. The committee is seeking proposals to present at the STS Lightning Talks that will be held online Thursday, April…
Reminder: Submissions for Network of the National Library of Medicine’s Data Visualization Challenge Due Sun., March 31
(via Karen Gutzman, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) Have you attended an NNLM training, joined an NNLM event, or received an NNLM grant? Are you a health sciences librarian or staff in a library or non-library setting? Are you a library or information student? If you are, consider submitting your data visualization to the…
Call for Submissions: “Information Rx” Column in Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries
(via Stephanie Shippey, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center) The Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries (JERML) is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the evaluation of electronic resources in the health sciences. As an essential journal within the field, it aims to chronicle trends and innovations that serve professionals working in medical libraries. The current issue…
Call for Participation: Survey on Health Sciences and Medical Librarians’ Use and Knowledge of Data Services–Deadline Fri., March 15
(via Dr. Nina Exner, Virginia Commonwealth University) Please consider taking our survey by Friday, March 15. We invite library workers in or adjacent to health sciences librarianship in the United States to participate in a 10-15 minute survey. This survey seeks to measure your job expectations and level of support and knowledge about the topic of data…
Call for Proposals: 2024 Special Libraries Association Midwest Symposium (Fri., June 7, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM CDT)–Deadline Mon., April 1
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The 2024 SLA (Special Libraries Association) Midwest Symposium will take place on Friday, June 7, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM CDT. This year, the planning committee is looking for proposals on a wide variety of topics related to specialized libraries including, but…
Call for Proposals: Library Track at Teaching & Learning with AI Conference (Mon., July 22 – Wed., July 24, in Orlando, FL)–Deadline Sun., March 17
(via Rachel Vacek, University of Central Florida) The University of Central Florida is pleased to announce the addition of a Library Track to the second annual Teaching & Learning with AI (TLWAI) conference, to be held from Monday, July 22, to Wednesday, July 24, in Orlando, Florida. The call for proposals is now open and…
Call for Applications Extended: Medical Library Association’s 2024-25 Research Training Institute Fellowship Program–New Deadline Fri., March 8
(via Susan Lessick, Distinguished Librarian Emerita – University of California, Irvine) You have another chance to apply for the 2024-25 Research Training Institute (RTI) Fellowship Program! Submit your application by 11:59 AM CDT on Friday, March 8, 2024. The Research Training Institute (RTI) Fellowship Program is a unique, highly effective, and collaborative online research and support…
Call for Examples of Recent Scholarly Publications: Spring Issue of IACRL Newsletter–Deadline Fri., March 15
(via Kim Tipton, IACRL Communications Committee Chair) Are you an Illinois academic librarian who’s been recently published? We’d love to share it with the IACRL community! To have your publication mentioned in the Spring, 2024, issue of the IACRL Newsletter, please send the details (or a citation) of your publication to Kim Tipton, IACRL Communications…
Call for Proposals: ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Research Committee’s Virtual Forum (Wed., May 1)–Deadline Fri., March 15
(via Jylisa Kenyon, University of Idaho) The Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) Research Committee invites proposals for presentations at their virtual research forum, to be held online Wednesday, May 1. Our charge is to investigate and propose ways for education and behavioral science librarians to share ideas about new directions in education and behavioral…