(via Lindsay Davis, University of California, Merced) The ACRL CLS (College Libraries Section) Communications Committee invites you to submit an article for the Spring, 2017, CLS Newsletter. While we do have some submissions so far, we have not received as many as we would like. Did you present at ACRL? Are you having a program at ALA…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Delta Serials Conference Call for Proposals Extended to April 23 (Regular Sessions) and May 31 (Posters)
(via Star Holloway, Arkansas State University) We have extended the deadline for regular session proposal submissions for the inaugural Delta Serials Conference through Sunday, April 23. Proposal for poster sessions will be accepted through Wednesday, May 31. Further information is below. Take part in the inaugural Delta Serials Conference–from Thursday, July 27, to Friday, July…
Doody Core Seeking Volunteers to Review Nursing Books
(via Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University) If you are interested in health sciences or nursing librarianship, Doody Core is in need of librarian reviewers for different areas. You work virtually and at your own pace (with deadlines). This year, there are still a few subject areas that need some librarians to review titles and make…
Call for Nominations: CARLI Board of Directors (Deadline April 5)
(via Michelle Haake, CARLI) CARLI is seeking nominations for candidates to fill seats on the CARLI Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is the governing authority of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois. CARLI Governing Members will elect one Board member from each of three (3) specified constituencies (public universities, community…
Call for Proposals: NASIG Student Spotlight Sessions (Deadline March 30)
(via Katy DiVittorio, Auraria Library in Denver, CO) The NASIG Student Outreach Committee (SOC) invites proposals for the Student Spotlight Sessions for the 32nd NASIG Conference in Indianapolis, IN, from June 8 to 11. The theme of the conference is “Racing to the Crossroads. The Student Spotlight Sessions will be held on Friday, June 9,…
Save the Date: HSLI Annual Conference, October 25-27
(via the HSLI Conference Planning Committee) Join us for the Health Science Librarians of Illinois (HSLI) Annual Conference from Wednesday, October 25, to Friday, October 27, at the Chateau Hotel and Conference Center in Bloomington, Illinois. The theme of the conference this year is “Times are Changing”. The conference will reflect this theme, providing programming for…
Reminder: SUNYLA 2017 (“The Global Library”) Poster Session Proposals Due March 21
(via Jennifer DeVito, Stony Brook University) The Global Library: Diversity through Collections, Spaces, & Services* *June 14-16, 2017 at Stony Brook University* Call for Poster Session Proposals **Deadline to submit: Tuesday, March 21* There is no time like the present to celebrate libraries as institutions supporting inquiry and access to information while exploring opportunities for…
Call for Nominations: 2017 Rethinking Resource Sharing Innovation Award
The 2017 Rethinking Resource Sharing Innovation Award: Call for Nominations The Rethinking Resource Sharing (RRS) (http://rethinkingresourcesharing.org/about/) Innovation Award (http://rethinkingresourcesharing.org/innovation-award/) recognizes and honors an individual or institution for changes they have made to improve users=92 access to information through resource sharing in their library, consortium, state, province or country. The purpose of the award is to…
Call for Contributed Papers: 2017 Special Libraries Association Conference Biomedical and Life Sciences Division
(via Jeanne Sadlik, Loyola University Chicago) Biomedical & Life Sciences Division Special Libraries Association Conference Phoenix, Arizona June 16-20 2017 Share your scholarship with colleagues in Phoenix. The Contributed Papers Committee invites proposals for papers presenting original research, innovative projects, collaborations or other professional activities of interest to the SLA Biomedical and Life Sciences Division….
Dr. Scott Walter Candidate for ALA President (Elections Open March 13)
(via the American Library Association) Remember that the 2017 ALA elections run from Monday, March 13, through Wednesday, April 5. The candidate biography below is from ALA’s Guide to the 2017 Elections. To view the full version, click here. Dr. Scott Walter is University Librarian at DePaul University, Chicago. An ALA member for 20 years, Dr. Walter was a…