(via Jennifer Joe, University of Toledo) The 43rd Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience will be held February 18-21 (Sunday-Wednesday), 2024, in Seattle, Washington. High-quality concurrent session, facilitated dialogue, and vendor presentation proposals are invited on topics addressing the myriad aspects of the first year of college. Proposals will be accepted through 1:59 AM CDT on Friday,…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Reminder: Call for Proposals Open for 2023 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium (Online Thurs., Nov. 16)–Deadline Fri., Sept. 1
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) planning committee is now accepting proposals for the third MIRL Symposium, a free event which will take place virtually on Thursday, November 16, 2023 (time to be determined). MIRL is a platform-neutral conference for IR practitioners and…
Call for Participation: Survey on How Librarians or Information Professionals Currently Support Basic or Life Science Researchers
(via Stephanie Schulte, The Ohio State University) Greetings: Our team seeks to better understand how librarians or information professionals currently support basic or life science researchers. We are interested in learning more about your role with this community. Specifically, we are interested in learning if having a background in basic/life science improves your role, what…
Call for Chapter Proposals: Upcoming ACRL Publication Supporting Neurodiverse Students in Libraries–Deadline Sat., Oct. 14
(via Amanda Boyer, Susquehanna University) We are collecting chapter proposals for an upcoming, edited ACRL publication, Supporting Neurodiverse Students in Libraries (working title, forthcoming Summer 2025). Universities and colleges are seeing a rise in neurodiverse students enrolling in higher education, and due to the pandemic, more students are reporting issues with anxiety and depression. Academic libraries must adapt their spaces,…
Call for Participation: ILA Advocacy Committee Survey on Planning Future Legislative Meet-Ups–Deadline Wed., Aug. 23
(via the Illinois Library Association) The Advocacy Committee would like to know your thoughts on ILA’s advocacy program. Prior to the pandemic, ILA would host a series of eight in-person meet-ups across the state. In 2021 and 2022, we held six regional virtual meet-ups. In 2023 we focused on meeting with new members of the…
Call for Education Program Proposals: 2024 ALA Annual Conference (Thurs., June 27 – Tues., July 2, in San Diego, CA)–Deadline Mon., Sept. 18
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) The call for education program proposals for the 2024 American Library Association Annual Conference is now open. The 2024 meeting will take place in San Diego, California, from Thursday, June 27, to Tuesday, July 2. Please see below for more information. Proposal Evaluation Criteria The Education Program Proposal Rubric and Poster Proposal Rubric are included…
Reminder: Survey on Document Delivery Best Practices in U.S. Academic Libraries Closes Fri., Aug. 11
(via Rosemary Humphrey, Kennesaw State University) Researchers at Kennesaw State University Library System and Clemson University Libraries would like to invite US academic library personnel to take part in research regarding document delivery best practices among libraries in the United States. The online survey provided below is part of a research study to evaluate document…
Call for Chapter Proposals: Upcoming ACRL Publication Teaching the Whole Student: Compassionate Instruction in the Academic Library–Deadline Fri., Sept. 15
(via Elena Rodriguez, College of Charleston) I am excited to invite chapter proposals for Teaching the Whole Student: Compassionate Instruction in the Academic Library, an edited volume to be published by ACRL. About the book:Compassion at its simplest definition is the “sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it” (Merriam-Webster). The…
Registration Open for Free Midwest Data Librarian Symposium (Mon., Oct. 9 – Wed., Oct. 11, in Cincinnati, OH)–Deadline Mon., Sept. 25
(via Chelsea Barrett, Harvard University) Registration for the 2023 Midwest Data Librarian Symposium is open now and free for all registrants! MDLS will be an in-person event from Monday, October 9, to Wednesday, October 11, at the University of Cincinnati (OH). Although the registration deadline is Monday, September 25, please note that spots are limited and may fill…
Call for Nominations: ALA RUSA Historical Materials Committee’s Best Historical Materials List–Deadline Sat., Sept. 30
(via Steve Knowlton, Princeton University) The Historical Materials Committee of the American Library Association/Reference and User Services Association’s History Section is soliciting nominations for the committee’s annual Best Historical Materials list. The list consists of the best print and online historical bibliographies, indexes, reference products, and published primary sources created, published, or significantly updated within…