(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) To accommodate those who would like some additional time, the Core Forum call for proposals deadline has been extended to Friday, March 24. Forum prioritizes networking opportunities and practical professional development. Join us in New Orleans, October 19-21, 2023! We’re looking for presentations on hot topics and innovative content in the following…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Reminder: Submissions for Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education Due Wed., April 5
(via Kristina Clement, Kennesaw State University) The call for papers for the Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (JOERHE) is now open. JOERHE welcomes original quantitative and qualitative research articles and discussion pieces concerning Open Pedagogy, Open Data, and analyses of current topics in Open Educational Resources. Authors are encouraged to discuss the practical applications of their…
Call for Volunteers: CARLI Committees for 2023-26 (Deadline Fri., May 5)
(via Michelle Haake, CARLI) CARLI is seeking volunteers to serve on advisory committees. Volunteers chosen will serve a three-year term, July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026. CARLI is also seeking volunteers to serve on a new Archives Task Force as approved by the CARLI Board at their March 10 meeting. The initial term of…
Call for Participation: Survey on How Archival Institutions Engage Their LGBTQ+ Materials
(via Kestrel Ward, University of Florida) My name is Kestrel Ward (University of Florida), and my research partner is Evangeline Giaconia (University of Florida). We are undertaking a study to understand how archival institutions engage their LGBTQ+ materials. To that end, we have developed a survey to collect data on how institutions around the US…
Call for Ad Hoc Online Programming Ideas
Based on the results of the HSLI planning survey, members have expressed a strong interest in having more “ad hoc” online programming, similar to the presentation on the NIH Data Tool Kit last fall. The topic should cover something of current professional interest to librarians in the health sciences and medicine. The programming could last…
Call for Poster Session Proposals: ALA Annual Conference (Thurs., June 22 – Tues., June 27, in Chicago)–Deadline Wed., March 15
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Present a Poster Session at the American Library Association’s 2023 Annual Conference & Exhibition! This year’s meeting will take place in Chicago, IL, from Thursday, June 22, to Tuesday, June 27. Don’t miss out on this key professional-development opportunity to share your best ideas and work with the library community….
Call for Proposals: STEM Librarians Collaborative 2023 Meeting (Online Wed., July 26 – Fri., July 28) — Deadline Fri., March 31
(via Elisabeth White, Towson University) Join us at the STEM Librarians Collaborative for its 2023 Meeting! It will take place online from Wednesday, July 26, to Friday, July 28. We are currently accepting proposals for those interested in presenting at this virtual conference. The STEM Librarians Collaborative will offer a variety of session formats; all proposed…
Reminder: Proposals for ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Research Committee Virtual Research Forum (Scheduled for May, 2023) Due Mon., March 13
(via Emily Fornwald, University of British Columbia) The ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Research Committee invites proposals for presentations at their virtual research forum, to be held online in early May. Our charge is to investigate and propose ways for education and behavioral science librarians to share ideas about new directions in education and behavioral…
Reminder: Submission Deadline for ACRL Instruction Section’s Next IS Newsletter is Mon., April 10
(via Maya Hobscheid, Grand Valley State University) The deadline for submissions for the [Fall/Spring] issue of the ACRL Instruction Section’s IS Newsletter is coming up on Monday, April 10. We would love to have your content that addresses: Please follow the “Instruction Section Newsletter Submission Guidelines”, available here. Send submissions to instructionsectionnewsletter@gmail.com.
Reminder: Illinois Library Association Seeking Volunteers for Its Committees
(via Kristin Pekoll, Illinois Library Association) Are you looking to develop or enhance your professional skills, broaden your network, increase your visibility in or give back to the profession? If so, volunteer to serve on an ILA committee! Feeling unsure? Here are a few reasons why you should volunteer: Professional Development: It provides opportunities for professional…