(via Karen Stoll Farrell, Indiana University Bloomington) Several studies have been published in the library literature on how university and college libraries can adapt their environments to make them more accommodating to autistic students, but what about autistic library employees? Do libraries consider the needs of autistic faculty and staff, particularly as it pertains to…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Reminder: Proposals for Lightning Talks at Next IACRL Spark Event, “One Weird Trick” (Fri., May 19), Due Fri., Feb. 24
(via Christina Norton, IACRL Vice-President/President-Elect) If you haven’t already, it’s time to get in your proposals for a lightning talk at the Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries’s next Spark event, “One Weird Trick!”. It will take place on Friday, May 19. Proposals are due here by Friday, February 24. What’s your secret for making…
Call for Papers–“Comics on the Couch: Graphic Medicine and Psychoanalysis” Special Issue of American Imago (Deadline Fri., Sept. 15)
(via Matthew Noe, Harvard Medical School) The field of narrative medicine recognizes that stories articulate the language of the body. Rita Charon, the founder of the field of narrative medicine, brought both patient and practitioner to a fuller recognition of stories as a source of medical insight and intervention: stories that may take shape in words but originate…
Call for Participation: Survey on Community College Libraries and Family-Friendly Library Spaces–Deadline Mon., Feb. 20
(via Jennifer Arnold, Director of Library Services at Central Piedmont Community College) The Central Piedmont Community College Library is gathering information on how community college libraries may be working to address the needs of student parents and caregivers through family-friendly library spaces. We invite you to participate in our survey of support spaces for student…
Call for Volunteers: Illinois Library Association Committees
(via the Illinois Library Association) Are you looking to develop or enhance your professional skills, broaden your network, increase your visibility in or give back to the profession? If so, volunteer to serve on an ILA committee! Feeling unsure? Here are a few reasons why you should volunteer: Professional Development: It provides opportunities for professional development,…
Call for Chapter Proposals: Upcoming Book Information, Power, and Reproductive Health–Deadline Sat., April 1 (Office Hour on Wed., March 1, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT)
(via Gina Schlesselman-Tarango, Des Moines University) Call for Chapter Proposals Working Title: Information, Power, and Reproductive HealthEditors: Gina Schlesselman-Tarango (Des Moines University); Alanna Aiko Moore (University of California, San Diego); Renée Ann Rau (University of Southern California)Submission Deadline: Saturday, April 1Publisher: Library Juice Press Office hour: Wednesday, March 1, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT. Join the Information, Power, and Reproductive Health editorial team for…
Call for Proposals: Academic Library Association of Ohio Webinar Series “Librarians as Researchers: Developing our Scholarly Identities”–Deadline Fri., March 3
(via the Academic Library Association of Ohio) The Research & Publications Committee of the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) is excited to announce that we are opening a call for proposals for a free virtual webinar series in Spring 2023. This series, titled, “Librarians as Researchers: Developing our Scholarly Identities”, is intended to support academic…
Save the Date and Call for Proposals: Free Library Instruction Together Conference (in-Person in Nashville, TN, on Fri., May 19; Virtual on Wed., May 24)–Submission Deadline Fri., Feb. 17
(via Sarah Smith, St. Louis Community College) Thanks to the amazing librarians in Tennessee and just beyond, LIT has grown so much in the past five years. We’ve decided to take a step toward expanding our scope and reach. To that end, the LIT Steering Committee is proud to announce that Library Instruction Tennessee is now…
Call for Submissions–Future Issues of Libraries: Culture, History, and Society (Deadline for Fall 2023 Issue is Wed., March 1)
(via Bernadette Lear, Pennsylvania State University – Harrisburg) The journal Libraries: Culture, History, and Society (LCHS) is now accepting submissions for volume 7, number 2, to be published Fall 2023, and for subsequent issues to be published semiannually. To be considered for the next issue, submissions must be received no later than Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A peer-reviewed publication of the…
Final Reminder: Submission Deadline for 2023 IACRL People’s Choice Award in Scholarly Publishing is Fri., Feb. 10, at 5:00 PM CDT
(via Emily Gilbert, IACRL Past President) The Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries (IACRL) Awards Committee is seeking submissions for the People’s Choice Award in Scholarly Publishing. This award will give academic and research librarians throughout Illinois the opportunity to read and evaluate scholarly works by their peers and then vote on a favorite….