(via ACRL) What would ACRL do without, You? Really! We are excited to extend this opportunity for you to expand your professional network, help shape ACRL by advancing its strategic plan, commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), and influence the direction of academic and research librarianship. Serving on a committee or an editorial board is a…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Call for Submissions: Library Stories for RAILS to Share with Elected Officials
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) RAILS is looking for stories that demonstrate the value of all types and sizes of libraries that we can share with elected officials and other stakeholders to help demonstrate the need for continued/additional library funding. Contribute your stories by logging into the blog page of the My Library Is… website…
Call for Proposals Extended: California Conference on Library Instruction (Fri., June 2, at University of San Francisco)–New Deadline Mon., Dec. 12
(via Megan Kinney, City College of San Francisco) The California Conference on Library Instruction invites you to submit a proposal for the 2023 program, to be held in person on Friday, June 2, 2023, at the University of San Francisco. In our 50th anniversary of the California Conference on Library Instruction, themed “Power and Empowerment:…
Call for Submissions: “Biz of Digital” Column in Against the Grain
(via Michelle Flinchbaugh–University of Maryland, Baltimore County) “Biz of Digital” is a column in Against the Grain. It features discussions by working librarians on digital collections, digital repositories, digital scholarship, data services, and technology. Its audience is librarians in all types of libraries and vendors of products, services, and systems that support library digital services….
Call for Proposals: ACRL Instruction Section Teaching Methods Committee’s 2023 Virtual Forum in March–Deadline Fri., Dec. 30
(via Rachel Edford, University of Central Florida) The Teaching Methods Committee invites you to submit a proposal for a presentation at our 2023 Virtual Forum to be held online in March. This is an opportunity for librarians and library workers to showcase innovative teaching methods, assessment, and theoretical approaches. The forum is a 45-minute presentation…
Call for Proposals: Amigos Library Services Online Conference “Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Cataloging and Technical Services” (Wed., Feb. 8)–Deadline Fri., Dec. 9
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) Libraries across the nation created and launched many Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives in recent years. These initiatives have been applied in all areas of the library, including cataloging and technical services. Attend this conference to see these efforts moving from proposal to practice. This Amigos Library Services…
Call for Nominations: 2024 Elections for ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect and Director-at-Large (Deadline Wed., Feb. 15, 2023)
(via ACRL) ACRL is dedicated to enhancing the ability of library and information professionals to dream big and shape our new future. Your participation matters and we invite you to be a part of shaping the future of ACRL. The ACRL Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committee (LRNC) strongly encourages members to nominate themselves or others…
Call for Participation: Survey on Exploring Turnover Intentions and Leadership Factors in Academic Libraries (Deadline Fri., Dec. 23)
(via Amy Fyn, Eastern Michigan University) We invite you to participate in a research survey titled “Exploring Turnover Intentions and Leadership Factors in Academic Libraries”. The purpose of this study is to investigate the leading factors related to leadership that contribute to employee turnover intentions in academic libraries in the United States. We invite you…
Reminder: Proposals for The Innovative Library Classroom 2023 Conference in Williamsburg, VA (Pre-Conference on Thurs., June 1; Conference on Fri., June 2) Due Fri., Dec. 16
(via Lucinda Wittkower, Old Dominion University) We are now accepting proposals for The Innovative Library Classroom 2023. It will take place at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. A pre-conference workshop, poster session, and social will take place on Thursday, June 1, with the conference itself following on Friday, June 2. Our…
Reminder: Call for Breakout Session (Due Mon., Nov. 28) and Poster Presentation (Due Mon., Jan. 30) Proposals for Annual LOEX Conference, May 11-13 (Thurs.-Sat.) in Harrisburg, PA
(via Sharon Han, Network of the National Library of Medicine) The LOEX Conference Planning Committee invites Library Fellows & Residents to submit proposals about information literacy and library instruction to the 51st Annual LOEX Conference. The Conference will be held May 11-13 (Thursday-Saturday), 2023 in Harrisburg, PA. Breakout Session Submissions (Due Monday, November 28, 2022) Successful proposals…