(via Heather VanDyne, Fort Hays State University) If you are a community college librarian at a rural institution this message is for you. Participants are needed in a study examining information literacy instruction practices at rural two-year institutions over the last three years. Any person working in an academic library with instruction duties is encouraged…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Call for Proposals: Upcoming ACRL Publication Collaborations and Outreach for Student Success: Initiatives for College and Small University Libraries (Deadline Mon., Oct. 31)
(via Camille Abdel-Jawad, Park University) We are excited to invite innovative, creative, and practical chapter proposals for our upcoming publication, Collaborations and Outreach for Student Success: Initiatives for College and Small University Libraries, from ACRL. The volume has an expected release date of Spring, 2024. The publication Collaborations and Outreach for Student Success: Initiatives for…
Call for Nominations: Janet Doe Lectureship Award for 2024 Annual MLA Conference in Portland, OR (Deadline Sat., Oct. 15, 2022)
(via Michelle Zafron, University at Buffalo) Do you have a colleague who has made a substantial contribution to medical librarianship? Would they give a compelling lecture at the Medical Library Association’s annual meeting? Please take the time to nominate the person for the Janet Doe Lectureship award, one of the most prestigious awards given by…
Call for Applicants: HLC/MLA Professional Development Grant for Health Sciences Librarians in Hospitals or Other Clinical Care Institutions–Deadline Tues., Nov. 15
(via Loren Hackett, Cleveland Clinic) Whether you are in the middle of your career, new to it all, or have worked for many years, the HLC/MLA (Hospital Library Caucus of the Medical Library Association) Professional Development Grant is an amazing opportunity for a professional journey into education or research. The grant is open to librarians…
Final Reminder: Proposals for 2022 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries Symposium (Online Thurs., Nov. 17) Due Fri., Sept. 2; Registration Opens Fri., Sept. 16
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) planning committee is now accepting proposals for the second MIRL Symposium, a free event which will take place virtually on Thursday, November 17 (time to be determined). MIRL is a platform-neutral conference for IR practitioners…
Call for Proposals Extended: Kennesaw State University’s Open Access Week 2022 (Online Oct. 24-28, Mon.-Fri.)–Deadline Now Thurs., Sept. 15
(via Chelsee Dickson, Kennesaw State University) Are you a researcher with experience navigating or publishing in open access journals? Do you use Open Educational Resources in the classroom or with your patrons? Do you work with, advocate for, or support the Open Access Movement? If so, the Kennesaw State University (KSU) Libraries would love to have…
Reminder: ACRL Science & Technology Section Mentoring Program Needs Mentors and Mentees
(via Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University) Would you like to expand your views on a science technology librarianship? Are you a library student or new librarian with lots of questions, and looking to find some insight into the profession and hear more advice? Are you considering a career change switching to STEM librarianship or looking…
Reminder: Nominations for 2022 HSLI Starfish Thrower Award Due Wed., Aug. 31
(via Cynthia Reynolds, HSLI President) We have a few nominations for the Starfish Thrower Award, but there is still time to nominate someone. The Starfish Thrower Award is presented to an HSLI member who has made a difference to the organization. The winner receives a trophy and is honored at the Awards Ceremony held during…
Reminder: Application Deadline for 2023 Class of ALA Emerging Leaders is Fri., Sept. 9, 2022
(via the American Library Association) The American Library Association (ALA) is now accepting applications for the 2023 class of Emerging Leaders (EL). The ALA EL program is a leadership development program which enables newer library workers from across the country and Canada to participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into…
Call for Presentation Proposals: Amigos Library Services Conference “The Library Technology Roadmap” (Online Thurs., Dec. 1)–Deadline Wed., Sept. 21
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) Amigos Library Services is now accepting presentation proposals for its Thursday, December 1, online conference, “The Library Technology Roadmap”. What is the best way to assess and evaluate current technologies? How do libraries choose which new technologies to adopt? When is it time to sunset an existing technology? This…