(via Emily Thompson, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) The Association of Creative Technologies in Academic Libraries (ACTAL) Conference planning committee seeks proposals for its first annual Conference. The ACTAL Conference seeks to bring together people that are working in creative technologies in academic libraries, broadly in the areas of media, making, and visualization, for community,…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Registration Open for 2022 Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference (Online Sept. 8-9, 14, and 16)–NNLM Region 6’s Bobbi Newman is Keynoter
(via Miriam Wnuk, Vanderbilt University) We are pleased to announce that the 21st Annual Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference will once again be held virtually. To help minimize zoom fatigue of attendees and committee members, the Conference will be spread out over two weeks. Thursday, Sept 8 Friday, Sept 9th (workshop day) Wednesday,…
Call for Lightning Talk and Poster Proposals: Institute for Research Design in Librarianship Online Research Conference (Nov. 10-11, Thurs.-Fri.)–Deadline Sun., July 31
(via Sanjeet Mann, University of Redlands) I’m delighted to share this announcement about the inaugural IRDL (Institute for Research Design in Librarianship) Online Research Conference, to be held online at no cost to attendees November 10-11 (Thursday-Friday), 2022. Please see our Conference website, and read on for more details about our call for submissions, which are…
Call for Applicants: Sewell Travel Award for Public Health to Attend APHA Annual Meeting (in Boston Nov. 6-9, Online Nov. 14-16)–Deadline Fri., July 8
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) The Sewell Travel Award for Public Health (STAPH) Committee invites applications for 2022 Sewell Stipends to attend the American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting. An in-person meeting will take place in Boston, MA, from Monday, November 6, to Thursday, November 9. There is also a virtual option, from Tuesday, November 14, to…
Call for Nominations: ACRL Instruction Section Officers (Deadline Sun., Aug. 14)
(via Susanna Eng-Ziskin–California State University, Northridge) The ACRL Instruction Section is seeking nominations for officers to serve on its Executive Committee. These elected offices include Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary/Archivist, and three Members-at-Large. You can view the responsibilities of these officers here. Please consider nominating a colleague or yourself. Potential candidates should have an interest in contributing to leadership of…
Reminder: Proposals for 2022 Southeast Data Librarian Symposium (Online Oct. 12-14, Wed. – Fri.) Due Fri., July 15
(via Chantelle Swaren, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) The Southeast Data Librarian Symposium, or SEDLS, conference planning committee invites proposals for virtual workshops, short talks, and poster presentations for SEDLS 2022! Check out last year’s program to view abstracts, posters, and presentation recordings for an idea of content. Topics of interest include the following. using available tools for research data…
Reminder: Feasibility Study for Medical/Health Humanities Engagement Within Libraries Still Open
(via Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic, Colorado Mesa University & Western Colorado Community College) Link to Participate: here The Purpose of this Survey (Protocol: 22-49): In preparing the manuscript for an edited volume about academic librarians and the health humanities, the survey author felt a chapter regarding the feasibility of medical and health humanities engagement for librarians, libraries,…
Call for Article Submissions: Upcoming Issues of Public Services Quarterly
(via Kimberly Mitchell, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences) The journal Public Services Quarterly seeks quality original articles about public services in academic libraries. We are interested in research-based and theoretical articles as well as case studies that advance the understanding of public services–reference and research assistance, information literacy instruction, access and delivery services,…
Call for Participation: Survey on Book and Material Challenges in Academic Libraries
(via John Siegel and Jonathan Newton, University of South Carolina Upstate) We are conducting a research survey on the preparedness of academic libraries to handle book and material challenges. If you are a librarian, library assistant/staff member, or administrator at an academic library within the United States, please consider taking this survey. The survey will…
Call for Article Submissions: Upcoming Issues of The Reference Librarian
(via Lauri Rebar, Florida Atlantic University) The Reference Librarian, a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal, is soliciting submissions for articles surrounding recent issues faced by reference librarians in their work. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following ones. distance learning and librarians digital literacy as part of library instruction other types of essential literacies…