Women In Medicine Summit: An Evolution in Empowerment will be a unification of women in healthcare, with the common goal of finding and implementing solutions towards gender equity. At the Drake Hotel in Chicago from September 20-21, attendees will hear from nationally renowned faculty. There will be breakout sessions with a focus on developing leadership…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Reminder: Registration Still Open for 2019 Reaching Forward South Conference (Friday, May 17, in Carbondale)
(via RAILS) You can still register for Reaching Forward South, an annual professional development conference for library support staff in central and southern Illinois. Make sure to attend “What’s Trending in Digital Lending”, presented by Anna Behm, RAILS E-Content Specialist. This year’s conference will be held on May 17, at the Southern Illinois University Student Center…
Registration Open for Eighth Annual Lake Superior Libraries Symposium (June 7 at Lake Superior College in Duluth, MN)
(via the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) Registration for the eighth annual Lake Superior Libraries Symposium is now open! LSLS19: Sea Changes in Libraries will be held on Friday, June 7th, 2019 at Lake Superior College. Library staff, administrators, trustees, and students from the Upper Midwest and beyond are invited to attend and…
Call for Applicants: Scholarships for LITA Avramcamp at ALA Annual 2019 (Deadline Friday, May 17)
(via Aisha Conner-Gaten, Loyola Marymount University) Do you want to participate in LITA AvramCamp, a one-day unconference for women and non-binary people working in library technology, at ALA Annual in Washington, D.C.? Would travel funding help you to attend? Thanks to support from individual donors and sponsors, AvramCamp is offering several $500 travel scholarships. Scholarships will be…
Registration Open for CARLI Resource Sharing Open House (Friday, June 14, in Peoria)
(via Lorna Engels, CARLI) Please join the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee for an open house at Bradley University, Peoria, and University of Illinois, Library of the Health Sciences, Peoria, Friday, June 14, 2019 – 10:00am to 3:00pm Resource Sharing Open house at Bradley University, Peoria, and University of Illinois, Library of the Health Sciences, Peoria,…
Registration Open for 2019 ACRL Instruction Section’s Annual Virtual Discussion Forum (1:00 PM CDT on Tuesday, June 11)
(via Beth Black, The Ohio State University) Challenging Deficit Thinking in Academic Libraries: Ideas and Applications A virtual panel discussion convened by Eamon Tewell of Columbia University with panelists Yi Ding of California State University, Northridge; Chelsea Heinbach and Rosan Mitola of University of Nevada, Las Vegas; and Amy Pajewski of West Chester University of…
Call for Proposals Extended: Library Research Seminar VII, Oct. 16-18 at U. of South Carolina (New Deadline Friday, May 24)
(via Dr. Jennifer Sweeney, JK Sweeney & Associates LLC) Call for Proposals Research Matters: Strengthening Values, Defining Practice When: October 16-18, 2019 Where: The University of South Carolina, Columbia, Ernest F. Hollings Special Collections Library Who: Hosted jointly by the University of South Carolina College of Information and Communication, University of South Carolina School of…
CARLI Career Fair at Holiday Inn Conference Center in Champaign (Thursday, November 14, 3:00-5:00 PM)
(via Anne Craig, CARLI Senior Director) Great news! I am so excited to announce CARLI’s first Career Fair, to be held in partnership with the iSchool at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, on Thursday, November 14, 2019, 3-5 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Conference Center, 101 Trade Center Drive, in Champaign. The event will be held on the day before…
Reminder: Chicago Research Summit Presentation Proposals Due Saturday, June 1
(via the Illinois Library Association) The Chicago Research Summit<https://ila.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=a77e2a49f5&e=6c7f1a78dd> is seeking presenters across various disciplines to lead sessions about how they are using Chicago-based research pedagogy to enhance undergraduate student learning. They are interested in sessions that share research, institutional best practices, successful programs, assignments, coursework, and creative approaches to this method of instruction. The…
Registration Open for New England Library Instruction Group’s 2019 Annual Conference (June 21 in East Greenwich, RI)
(via Kelly Faulkner, Johnson & Wales University) 2019 NELIG Annual Program Designing Student-Centered Learning Experiences Friday, June 21, 2019 New England Institute of Technology, East Greenwich, RI The New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG) is pleased to announce that registration is now open for its annual conference which will be held Friday, June 21, 2019…