(via Amanda Makula, University of San Diego) Last Call: Final Registration<https://2019-dis.eventbrite.com/> for the 2019 Digital Initiatives Symposium<https://digital.sandiego.edu/symposium/2019/>! – Six Pre-conference Workshops: – Collections as Data: Digital Collections for Emerging Research Methods by Stewart Varner, University of Pennsylvania – Two Peas in a Pod: On Information Literacy and Open Educational Resources by Michelle Reed, University of…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Reminder: Registration Open for Spring RAILS/IACRL Networking Events (April 25 at Waubonsee Community College and April 29 at Methodist College)
The April 29 event at Methodist College has only four registrants so far. If you know of any academic librarians in the Peoria area who might be interested in attending, please share this announcement with them. (via Dan Bostrom, RAILS) In April, RAILS and IACRL will host two more networking events for academic librarians. These…
Reminder: Program Proposals for 2019 Reaching Forward South Conference Due Monday, April 15
(via the Illinois Library Association) Reaching Forward South, an annual professional development conference for library support staff in central and southern Illinois, is now accepting conference <https://ila.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=4758096daf&e=6c7f1a78dd> proposals<https://ila.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6e70654dccbd86e15c572ad55&id=da855dbaf9&e=6c7f1a78dd>. The theme is The Future is Always Beginning Now, and proposals should consist of ideas and practices in strategic planning, forward-thinking programming, and current events or endeavors…
Reminder: Registration Deadline for April 29 CARLI OER Workshop at Loyola University Chicago is April 24
(via Elizabeth Clarage, CARLI) The CARLI Open Educational Resources Task Force invites you to attend an OER Workshop at Loyola University Chicago at their Water Tower Campus on Monday, April 29. Please register by Wednesday, April 24, for this program. The workshop will include a keynote from Rebel Cummings-Sauls from the Florida Academic Library Services…
Call for Proposals: ACRL Academic Library Services to Graduate Students Interest Group at ALA Annual 2019 (Deadline 4/26)
(via Mark Lenker–University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Call for Proposals – ACRL Academic Library Services to Graduate Students Interest Group ALA Annual 2019 The ACRL Academic Library Services to Graduate Students Interest Group meeting will be held on Saturday, June 22 from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm. in Washington D.C. Presentations will be given in person….
Save the Date: Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association Annual Conference (October 2-4 in Lansing, MI)
(via Linda Feinberg, NorthShore University Healthsystem, on behalf of the Mid-Michigan Chapter of the MHSLA) The Mid-Michigan Chapter of the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association invites you to save the date for the 2019 MHSLA Annual Conference October 2-4, 2019 Radisson at the Capitol Lansing, MI Visit the conference website (https://sites.google.com/view/mhsla2019/mhsla2019) for more information about…
Sign Up for MLA 2019 Colleague Connection Mentoring Program by April 10
(via Emily Johnson, UIC Library of the Health Sciences – Peoria) Colleague Connection is MLA’s mentoring program pairing new or first-time meeting attendees with experienced members at the annual meeting. Those who sign-up by April 10 will be assigned a mentor or mentee before the meeting. Most pairs will be assigned by April 25to allow…
Call for Curriculum Designers and Presenters: ACRL RoadShow on Open Educational Resources and Affordability (Deadline May 1)
(via ACRL) ACRL is accepting applications from prospective curriculum designers/presenters to create and deliver a new ACRL RoadShow to support librarians in finding, using, and developing open educational resources (OERs). This introductory level, day-long workshop will be intended for academic librarians and library staff integrating OERs into their institutions and developing OER initiatives. The curriculum…
Call for ALA Annual Proposals: ACRL Technical Services Interest Group (Deadline April 30)
(via Erin Finnerty, Temple University) The ACRL Technical Services Interest Group (TSIG) invites presentation proposals for its ALA Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, June 23rd from 4:00-5:00 p.m. We are looking for 15-20 minute presentations or facilitated conversations. Areas of interest include (but are not limited to): collection development collection management acquisitions metadata services resource discovery and delivery in academic libraries Please complete the online…
Registration Open for 2019 ACRL New England Chapter Annual Conference on May 6 (Deadline April 29)
(via Jennifer Sharkey, Illinois State University) Registration Open! 2019 ACRL New England Chapter Annual Conference Opening Doors for Each Other: Collaborations for Shared Success Register now through April 29 Monday, May 6, 2019 Holiday Inn by the Bay Portland, Maine https://acrlnec.org/annual-conference/ Attend the premier annual conference for academic librarians in New England! The theme of…