(via Bob Sandusky, University of Illinois at Chicago) The DataONE Users Group meeting is just over a month away. Register today! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join us for the 2018 DataONE Users Group Meeting. Co-located with the with the ESIP Summer Meeting, we will have one full day of talks, break-out sessions,…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Library Instruction West 2018 Registration Still Open (Conference on July 19 and 20)
(via Laureen Cantwell, Colorado Mesa University) Library Instruction West 2018 approaches! July 19th & 20th Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction, CO Keynoter: Maria Konnikova (more information is available here) You can register here. Please view the Conference schedule here. Want “funtivities”? Mix & Mingle event Weds evening 7.18 (Free; A custom cocktail!? Whaaaat?) All-Conference Cocktails &…
Call for Proposals: Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference (Deadline June 30)
(via Jill Hallam-Miller, Bucknell University) Bucknell University will host its fifth annual digital scholarship conference (#BUDSC18) from October 5th-7th. The theme of the conference is “Digital Scholarship: Expanding Access, Activism, and Advocacy.” #BUDSC18 will bring together a community of practitioners-faculty, researchers, librarians, artists, educational technologists, students, administrators, and others-committed to promoting access to and through digital…
Call for Applicants: ALA and Council Committee Interns (Informational Session June 24 at ALA Annual)
(via Kim Copenhaver, Eckerd College) Ready to climb the leadership ladder within ALA? Interested in increasing your involvement with the Association? Not sure where to start? Embark on the path to leadership as an ALA or Council Committee Intern. Join ALA’s Training, Orientation & Leadership Development Committee (TOLD) to learn more about the application process, expectations and…
ALA Program Notice: New Discoveries in Reference: The 24th Annual Reference Research Forum
(via David Ward, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Come join the RUSA RSS Research and Statistics Committee for a lively presentation of exciting new research in the field of reference services. Our presenters, selected using a blind review process, will discuss findings from their current original research projects. The Reference Research Forum continues to be one of the most…
Call for Proposals: Speak Up – Advocating for You and Your Library Online Conference (Deadline June 29)
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) What do you think of when you hear the word “advocacy”? Do you immediately think of stumping on Capitol Hill and meeting with local government officials? “Advocacy” is much more than politics. Every day, librarians and staff find themselves in situations where they must advocate for resources, money, and…
RSVP for June 24 Privacy Social Hour at ALA Annual in New Orleans (Deadline June 22)
(via Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Come share your thoughts and experiences with privacy and analytics at the Privacy Social Hour on June 24 during ALA Annual in New Orleans. Scott Young (Montana State University) and Lisa Hinchliffe (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) are hosting this community engagement event as a part…
New Streaming Forum and Featured Filmmakers Added to VRT’s Lineup of Programs at ALA Annual
(via Laine Thielstrom, Colby College) ALA Annual in New Orleans is right around the corner. Don’t miss these great ALA Video Round Table programs running June 23rd-25th! 21st Century Collection Development Strategies for Media Saturday, June 23, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Room 278 Are you involved in media…
Virtual Free-Learning Conference 2018: Open Registration and Call for Proposals
(via Emory Maiden, Appalachian State University) We have begun planning our summer conference, and I have some exciting news to share, as well as an early invite to you. Since 2011 AppState has hosted the Free-Learning Conference as a f2f conference in Belk Library in Boone, NC. It’s always been a rewarding experience, but we…
Call for Applicants: JoVE Librarian Travel Award to Charleston Library Conference 2018 (Deadline August 1)
(via Rachel Borchardt, American University) Applications are now being accepted through Wednesday, August 1. JoVE is proud to support the professional development of academic librarians. To enable you to attend the Charleston Library Conference, we will pay for (and organize) your travel, accommodation and conference registration. We will sponsor two librarians from North America and two…