(via NASIG) Early bird registration rates for the 33rd NASIG Annual Conference close on Friday, May 11. Registration for the full conference includes NASIG on Demand: Features of the 2018 Conference, NASIG’s newest offering, which consists of recordings of six concurrent sessions that cover a variety of important topics touching on the conference theme of “Transforming the Information Community.” Those…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
CARLI Resource Sharing Committee Seeking Input on Fall Forum Topics
(via Debbie Campbell, CARLI) Save the date for the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee’s Fall Forum that will take place on Thursday, October 25, at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield. To help the committee plan the event, please complete this brief, anonymous survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2018ForumRS You can send any questions about the survey, or the event,…
Program Proposals Deadline for 2018 International Visual Literacy Association Conference (Nov. 1-4 in Chicago) Extended to May 31
(via Dana Stratton, Murray State University) The deadline for 2018 International Visual Literacy Association conference proposal submission has been extended to Thursday, May 31. The 2018 IVLA Conference will be held in Chicago, on November 1-4, and it will be a celebration of the organization’s 50th anniversary. The conference theme is “Viewing the Past, Picturing the Present, Designing…
Call for Panelists: STS Hot Topics Discussion Group Session at ALA Annual
(via Paul Hottinger, Cal Poly Ponoma University) The STS Hot Topics Discussion Group has begun planning for the ALA 2018 session. This year’s session topic will be “Diversity & Inclusion in STEM Librarianship”. If anyone going to ALA would be interested in participating in the panel, please contact me, at prhottinger@cpp.edu, for more information. The…
Reminder: Deadline to Register for 6th Annual CARLI Instruction Showcase is May 14
(via Debbie Campbell, CARLI) Reminder that registration is open; please share with those in your institution who may be interested! The CARLI Instruction Committee is coordinating its sixth annual Instruction Showcase on Thursday, May 31st at Dominican University in River Forest, IL. The showcase features innovative elements in library instruction and assessment, where presenters demonstrate…
Registration Deadline for CALA (Chinese American Librarians Association) Midwest Chapter Conference in Chicago is May 4
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago) The Midwest Chapter of the Chinese American Librarians Association is having its Annual Conference next week in Chicago. There’s still time to register and see some interesting sessions. The deadline is Friday, May 4. 2018 CALA Midwest Chapter Annual Conference Date: May 11, 2018 (Friday) Format of Conference: Hybrid Physical…
Call for Lightning Round Proposals: Lake Superior Libraries Symposium (Deadline May 11)
(via the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) The organizers of the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium (LSLS) invite Lightning Round proposals for our seventh annual conference, to be held on June 8, 2018 at the University of Minnesota Duluth Kathryn A. Martin Library. The Lightning Ro9und session will be held after…
Registration Open for 2018 STEM Librarians South Conference (Proposals Due May 14)
(via Mea Warren, University of Houston) The 2018 STEM Librarians South conference committee would like to invite you to consider attending and/or submitting a proposal for our conference this year! Registration is now LIVE! Please Save the Date for July 20, 2018 at the University of Houston Libraries. We are also soliciting proposals for 5-minute…
Reminder: Deadline to Register for ACRL Immersion ’18 is May 4
(via ACRL) The ACRL Immersion Program is all new for 2018. Immersion ’18 will take place July 29-August 3, 2018, at the University of St. Thomas, in St. Paul, Minnesota. Immersion ’18 is an intensive, five-day program designed for those who contribute to the educational role of libraries in higher education. The curriculum is built…
Registration Open for 2018 New England Library Instruction Group Annual Conference (June 8)
(via Melinda Malik, Saint Anselm College) We are pleased to announce our annual conference will be held Friday, June 8, 2018 at Glickman Library, University of Southern Maine in Portland, ME. This year’s program, “Developing Critical Thinkers: Going Beyond Information Literacy,” will explore the role of literacies beyond information literacy that librarians incorporate in instruction. Please join us to…