(via Dr. Vinaya Tripuranei, University Librarian at University of La Verne) Registration is open for MIRA (Makerspaces for Innovation and Research in Academics) Conference to be held on July 12, 2018 at University of La Verne, La Verne , CA. Registration website: http://thespot.laverne.edu/miraconference18 Conference Program website: http://mira18.sched.com Conference website: http://laverne.libguides.com/mira
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Third Association of Research Libraries Digital Scholarship Institute to Be Held July 30 – August 3, 2018
(via Harriett Green, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) The ARL Academy is accepting applications for the third iteration of the ARL Digital Scholarship Institute, with a deadline of Friday, May 18, 2018. The ARL Digital Scholarship Institute is a five-day, cohort-based opportunity for professionals in ARL member libraries who are new to digital scholarship and would like to develop their skills…
Call for Proposals ALCTS CaMMS Copy Cataloging Interest Group Session at ALA Annual
(via Amanda Ros, Texas A&M University) The ALCTS CaMMS Copy Cataloging Interest Group invites presentation proposals for its ALA Annual Meeting in New Orleans on Saturday, June 23, 2018, from 9:00 to 10:00 am. CCIG’s charge is to discuss common problems concerning copy cataloging of all kinds of materials (monographs, serials, audiovisuals, etc.), quality control,…
Early-Bird Registration for Reaching Forward South Conference Closes April 30
(via the Illinois Library Association) The 2018 Reaching Forward South Conference will be held May 11 at the Morris Center on the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville campus. With a commitment to providing quality training and information, Reaching Forward South strives to be the premier professional development opportunity for library support staff in central and southern…
Registration Open for Great Lakes Science Boot Camp 2018 (July 25-27 at Purdue University)
(via Daniel Dotson, The Ohio State University) Registration Open Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians July 25 – 27, 2018 Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana Registration is now open for the Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians! This immersive 2-day conference offers librarians an opportunity to learn about current research advancements in science….
Call for Proposals: Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians (Deadline May 25)
(via Kathy Shields, Wake Forest University) The sixth Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians (entrelib.org) will explore how librarians have been entrepreneurial in their own professional development and how this drives the way we serve our communities. In the last several years we’ve seen a variety of new positions emerge to meet new opportunities in academic, public and special…
Registration Open for May 31 CARLI Instruction Showcase at Dominican University (Deadline May 14)
(via Debbie Campbell, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) Registration is now open, please share with any in your institution who may be interested! The CARLI Instruction Committee is coordinating its sixth annual Instruction Showcase on Thursday, May 31st at Dominican University in River Forest, IL. The showcase features innovative elements in library…
Proposals Deadline for New Librarian Summit Extended to April 27
(via Laurie Borchard, San Jose State University) To support early career Librarians, the New Librarian Summit (NLS) Organizing Committee invites proposals for its second annual Conference on the specific theme, “Exploring New and Innovative Approaches in LIS.” This event aims to provide practical strategies, hands-on methods, networking, and professional development opportunities to recently graduated and/or recently appointed…
Registration Open for June 22 ACRL Big Easy RoadShow, “Assessment in Action” (UIUC’s Hinchliffe is Presenter)
(via Chase Ollis, Association of College and Research Libraries) The ACRL Big Easy RoadShow Assessment in Action: Demonstrating and Communicating Library Contributions to Student Learning and Success ACRL Preconference at ALA Annual Conference Friday, June 22 | 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM | New Orleans, LA Program Higher education institutions of all types are facing intensified…
Registration Open for “Data Storytelling: Structures and Strategies” Event at University of Chicago on May 4
(via Devin Savage, Illinois Institute of Technology) Data Storytelling: Structures and Strategies Combine classical storytelling techniques with data to communicate value to stakeholders. Friday, May 4 | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM University of Chicago Regenstein Library | Room 122 | 1100 E. 57th St., Chicago, IL 60637 To register, go here. Description Librarians often face similar challenges across…