The next STELLA Unconference is in the works! The Unconference will take place at the University of California, Berkeley, on Friday, May 18, and Saturday, May 19, 2018. This free event welcomes current or aspiring science, technology, engineering and medical/health librarians and those interested in STEM librarianship! In the unconference spirit, you will drive the agenda and determine what discussions and…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
UIUC’s Mortenson Center Hosting Sept. 14 Lecture and Book Signing by Pulitzer Prize Winner Viet Thanh Nguyen
(via Margaret Chambers, CARLI, on behalf of the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs) The 27th Annual Mortenson Distinguished Lecture presents “Enduring Wars in Transpacific Memories” by Viet Thanh Nguyen, scholar and author of Pulitzer Prizewinner, The Sympathizer. Nguyen’s work engages dialogue on what it means to be national, ethnic, multicultural, foreign, international, diaspora, and…
Call for Proposals: IOLUG 35th Anniversary Conference (Deadline Sept. 15)
(via the Indiana Online Users Group) The Indiana Online Users Group (IOLUG) is seeking program proposals for its 2017 Conference. This year’s meeting will take place at the Indianapolis Propylaeum (1410 N Delaware St. #2, Indianapolis, IN 46202) on Friday, October 13. Instructions for producing and submitting proposals are below. Libraries have always been at the…
Library Marketing and Communications Conference Announces Keynote Speakers
(via Mark Aaron Polger, College of Staten Island – City University of New York) Have you registered yet for the 2017 Library Marketing and Communications Conference? There’s still time. We’re happy that so many of you are returning for our third LMC Conference! And we have lots of new attendees, and speakers, joining us this fall. If…
Re-think It 2018 Conference Call for Proposals Extended to Sept. 8
(via Catherine Hamer, University of Texas at Austin) Save the date! Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age will take place January 8-10, 2018, in Austin, Texas. Registration is currently open. To receive updates and announcements, subscribe here. Re-think it 2018 is presented by the University of Texas Libraries, Austin Community College Library Services, and the Austin Public Library….
Call for Proposals: Empirical Librarians 2018 (Feb. 16 in Knoxville, TN)
(via Nina Exner, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University) Do you support faculty researchers or graduate student researchers? Or, do you do your own research? Then we have a conference for you! Please join us for the fourth Empirical Librarians conference, EmpLibs18. EmpLibs18 is a mini-conference on librarians and research, and will be held…
Call for Proposals: CCLI 2018, “Library Instruction by Design: Using Design Thinking to Meet Evolving Needs”
(via William Cuthbertson-California State University, Chico) The California Conference on Library Instruction (CCLI) seeks to showcase the ways in which librarians have approached library instruction and information literacy problems through the lens of Design Thinking, which will be central to the theme of the 2018 meeting. Design Thinking involves using a designer’s perspective to improve…
Call for Proposals: SJSU Open Access Conference 2017 (Deadline Extended to Friday, Sept. 1)
(via Emily Chan, San Jose State University) In celebration of Open Access Week, San Jose State University will be hosting its biennial one-day conference on Monday, October 23. This conference theme invites reflections on where open access is now and how we got here. Topics can explore open access (including OE educational resources) as it relates…
Call for Presentations: “Innovating with Metadata” Amigos Online Conference (Deadline 8/31)
via Bill Walker, Amigos Library Services) Amigos Library Services is seeking presentation proposals for its upcoming meeting “Innovating with Metadata: An Amigos Online Conference”. The event will take place on Thursday, November 9, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM CST. It will use the Amigos Online Classroom. The requirements for program proposals are below. Today’s metadata is…
Call for Panel Participants: Distance Library Services Conference
(via Christina Hillman, St. John Fisher College) Are you a new librarian? Are you working with distance, online, or hybrid students and faculty as part of your first professional library job? Then please consider working with us on a panel proposal for the 18th Distance Library Services Conference. The panel will discuss how new (less…