(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) We’re offering member libraries free passes to the exhibit hall at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, June 22-27. Each individual needs to register for your own exhibits-only pass. Be aware that the form looks like you’re signing up for the full conference and will need to pay,…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Registration Open for Inaugural OCLC Americas Regional Council Meeting (U. Chicago’s Cronin on Program Committee)
(via OCLC) What does it take to become a smarter library? Join fellow OCLC members at the inaugural Americas Regional Council meeting and address the challenge of supporting increasingly personalized customer relationships while also scaling to meet growth in population, materials and expectations. The two-day agenda is designed for attendees from all library types, and will feature…
Tech Tools Lightning Round Call for Proposals
(via Ariel Orlov, Adler University) The Chicago Distance Library Services Group is calling for presenter submissions for a Tech Tools Lightning Round, to be held on Thursday, July 13, at Adler University in Chicago. Share the free or inexpensive tech tools you use to reach distance or online library users! Tell us about the problems…
Reminder: Registration Open for Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians (July 19-21)
(via Daniel Dotson, The Ohio State University) Registration is now open for the Great Lakes Science Boot Camp 2017. The program will take place from Wednesday, July 19, to Friday, July 21, on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. Librarians from all library types are welcome. This yearly boot camp includes talks from scientists and…
Registration Open for IDS Project Conference 2017
(via Elise Thornley, Binghamton University) The IDS Project’s 13th Annual Summer Conference is Thursday, July 27, and Friday, July 28, at the SUNY Polytechnic Institute in Utica, NY. This year’s conference theme is “Steering the Future, Together” and approximately 200 attendees are expected. The IDS Conference is packed with information and training regarding exciting new technologies and…
Illinois Librarians Presenting at MLA 2017
A number of Illinois librarians are presenting at the Medical Library Association’s 2017 Annual Meeting. This year’s event is taking place in Seattle, from May 26 to 31. The theme is “Dream Dare Do”. The presentations are below. For those that include presenters not from Illinois libraries, just the Illinois librarians are listed. Also, if…
Submissions Deadline for Presentations at STEM Librarians South Extended to June 6
(via Dr. Christina Chan-Park, Baylor University) The deadline to submit a presentation proposal for the 2017 STEM Librarians South Conference has been extended to Tuesday, June 6. The Conference will take place on Thursday, July 20, and Friday, July 21. The location is Waco, TX. Please submit a presentation falling into one of these categories. 5-minute lightning talk…
Call for First-Time ALA Annual Attendees: ACRL Buddy Program
(via Steven Bell, Temple University) Are you planning to attend your first ALA Annual Conference? First-time attendees are invited to sign up for a conference buddy who can guide you through selecting conference sessions, navigating conference venues, and answer any other questions you might have. This is a great way to learn about ACRL and…
ACRL Instruction Section ALA Preconference: “Teaching Information Literacy with a Social Justice Lens” (Hinchliffe a Presenter)
(via the Association of College and Research Libraries) The ACRL Instruction Section is offering the full-day preconference, Going with (and Growing with) the Framework: Teaching Information Literacy with a Social Justice Lens, in conjunction with the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago on Friday, June 23. Through panel presentations and hands-on workshops, develop strategies and approaches for teaching the Framework for…
Reminder: Early Registration for Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference Ends Friday, May 26
(via Margaret Chambers, CARLI) Are you planning to attend the 4th Annual Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference on June 8-9, 2017? Register by Friday, May 26, to take advantage of the lower registration fee. The $95 registration fee will increase to $125 after May 26. Remember to book your hotel room soon. The special room rate…