(via Laine Thielstrom, Colby College) June may seem like a long way off, but ALA Annual in Chicago is right around the corner. In fact, early-bird pricing ends at noon, Wednesday, March 22nd. Register now and don’t miss these great ALA Video Round Table programs running June 24th-25th: Evening Ticketed Event: VRT Gala: Tuned In, Turned On! Videofreex Tape the…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Try Out a Licensed Workshop at ACRL 2017
(via ACRL) Note: The names of workshop presenters from Illinois are in bold. Looking to strengthen your library’s professional skills? ACRL offers a variety of licensed workshops that can be brought upon request to your campus, chapter, or consortia. Led by expert presenters, these full-day immersive workshops are designed to engage participants and help academic librarians strengthen competencies…
RUSA Offering June 23 ALA Preconference on User Experience and Testing in the Library
(via the American Library Association) On Friday, June 23, at the 2017 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, the Emerging Technologies Section (ETS) of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) are hosting We Are All User Experience Librarians: Creating Change from the Trenches preconference. This half-day session (9:00am – 12:00pm) focuses on user testing and experience using discussion,…
Call for Contributed Papers: 2017 Special Libraries Association Conference Biomedical and Life Sciences Division
(via Jeanne Sadlik, Loyola University Chicago) Biomedical & Life Sciences Division Special Libraries Association Conference Phoenix, Arizona June 16-20 2017 Share your scholarship with colleagues in Phoenix. The Contributed Papers Committee invites proposals for papers presenting original research, innovative projects, collaborations or other professional activities of interest to the SLA Biomedical and Life Sciences Division….
Chicago Distance Library Services April Event: “Create Winning Conference Proposals”
(via Ariel Orlov, Adler University) Join the Chicago Distance Library Services Group for our spring event on Friday, April 7 at 2:00 p.m. at Elmhurst College’s A.C. Buehler Library. We’re hosting a panel discussion on creating conference proposals that get accepted, just in time for the April 23 deadline to submit proposals to the 2018 Distance…
Register Now for April 28 “Open Data: Science, Health, Community” Symposium
(via Debra Werner, University of Chicago) Registration is now open for the fifth biennial Kathleen A. Zar Symposium, “Open Data: Science, Health, Community”. This year’s event will take palace on Friday, April 28, at the University of Chicago’s John Crerar Library. To register, click here. A description of the event is below. Open data are data…
2017 MLA Midwest Chapter Meeting to Be Held Oct. 13-16 in Michigan
(via Miranda Shake, HSLI President) Please save the dates of October 13-16 for the Joint Conference of the Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association (MLA) and the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association (MHSLA). This conference, being held at the Ann Arbor Marriot at Eagle Crest in picturesque Ypsilanti, offers numerous learning and networking opportunities. These include MLA CE…
Registration Available for CARLI Resource Sharing Open Houses
(via Lorna Engels, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) Please share with anyone in your institution who may be interested. Thursday, April 6, 2017 9:30am to 3:30pm Resource Sharing Open house at University of Illinois, Chicago, Daley Library and Library of the Health Sciences, sponsored by the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee. Where: University…
Apply for MLA 2017 “Free Lunch” Award
(via Nicole Theis-Mahon, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities) Are you attending MLA’s 2017 Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA? If you are a member of the Midwest Chapter/MLA here is your chance to get a Free Lunch and have a lively discussion while attending the Chapter Sharing Roundtable of your choice. Apply for the Midwest Chatper/MLA’s “Free Lunch”…
Call for Proposals: 5th Biennial Zar Symposium (“Open Data: Science, Health, Community”) on April 28
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) Call for Proposals Open Data: Science, Health, Community 5th Biennial Kathleen A. Zar Symposium April 28, 2017 The John Crerar Library The University of Chicago For more information about the symposium: Web Page: https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/conferences/zar-symposium/ Email: zarsymposium@lib.uchicago.edu #zarsymposium @CrerarLibrary The organizers of the 5th biennial Kathleen A. Zar Symposium, Open Data: Science,…