(via Cara Calabrese, Miami University) The Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) Conference Planning committee invites you to submit proposals for the 49th ALAO Annual Conference. Having spent the past few years radically adapting library services during the pandemic, library professionals are now actively exploring how to sustain a “new normal” for hybrid spaces, services, and collections where customer expectations have been transformed. This year’s event…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Registration Open for Free Library Instruction Together Conference (in-Person Fri., May 19, in Nashville, TN; and Virtual Wed., May 24)
(via Sarah Smith, St. Louis Community College) Join us for Library Instruction Together (LIT) 2023. LIT 2023 will be held as a virtual conference on Wednesday, May 24, and as an in-person conference on Friday, May 19, at the Nashville (TN) Public Library’s conference center. Free registration for both events is open and required. (Note that you must register for each event separately, with apologies for…
Call for Presentation Proposals: Library Marketing and Communications Conference (Tues., Nov. 7 – Wed., Nov. 8, in Indianapolis, IN)–Deadline Fri., May 5
(via Maria Atilano, University of North Florida) The 2023 Library Marketing and Communications Conference (LMCC) Programming Committee invites you to submit presentation proposals for consideration for this year’s conference, which will be held in Indianapolis on November 7-8 (Tuesday-Wednesday), 2023. We want you to share your knowledge on the tried and true, the latest trends, and the best…
Reminder: Submissions for ACRL STS Virtual Lightning Talks (Tuesday, June 20) and Research Forum (Wednesday, June 21) Due Fri., April 28
(via Jeanne Hoover, East Carolina University) The Research Committee of the ACRL Science and Technology Section (STS) will host two sessions coinciding with the 2023 American Library Association Annual Conference to highlight research and practitioner projects related to science and technology librarianship. The committee is seeking proposals to present at the Annual STS Virtual Research…
RSVP for Northern Illinois Regional History Conference, Themed “At the Crossroads of the Urban-Rural Divide” (in DeKalb on Sat., April 22, from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM)–Deadline is Sat., April 15
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) The NIU Libraries Regional History Center will host the inaugural Northern Illinois Regional History Conference on Saturday April 22, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, at the Holmes Student Center Heritage Room on NIU’s campus in DeKalb. The Conference theme is “At the Crossroads of the Urban-Rural Divide“, and the…
Call for Proposals Extended: STEM Librarians Collaborative 2023 Meeting (Online Wed., July 26 – Fri., July 28) — New Deadline Fri., April 7
(via Elisabeth White, Towson University) Join us at the STEM Librarians Collaborative for its 2023 Meeting! It will take place online from Wednesday, July 26, to Friday, July 28. We are currently accepting proposals for those interested in presenting at this virtual conference. The STEM Librarians Collaborative will offer a variety of session formats; all proposed…
Deadline Extended: Proposals for CARLI’s 11th Annual Instruction Showcase (Online Thurs., June 1) Now Due Mon., April 10, by 5:00 PM CDT
(via Debbie Campbell, CARLI) The CARLI Instruction Committee is seeking presentation proposals for the 11th annual Instruction Showcase, to be held virtually on Thursday, June 1. CARLI members and Illinois LIS students are welcome to submit proposals on all library instruction topics and are encouraged to draw inspiration from the committee’s theme this year: Re-examining Instruction. Also Registration now…
Final Reminder: Program Proposals for 2023 ILA Annual Conference (Tues., Oct. 24 – Thurs., Oct. 26, in Springfield) Due Tues., April 4
(via the Illinois Library Association) The ILA 2023 Annual Conference Program Committee is seeking program proposals for this year’s conference. In 2023, we will convene in Springfield, Illinois with the theme “Connect, Cultivate, Collaborate”. The deadline to submit proposals is tomorrow, April 4. Every library in Illinois seeds connections to resources, cultivates stories, and collaborates…
Registration Open for Tennessee Health Science Library Association Free Spring Virtual Conference on Mon., April 17
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University, on behalf of J. Michael Lindsay, THeSLA President) Please join us at the Tennessee Health Science Library Association’s Free Spring Virtual Conference, which will be held on Monday, April 17. All aspects of this event are open to the public. We invite you…
Reminder: Proposals for CARLI’s 11th Annual Instruction Showcase (Online Thurs., June 1) Due Fri., March 31, by 5:00 PM CDT; Registration Now Open
(via Denise Green, CARLI) The CARLI Instruction Committee is seeking presentation proposals for the 11th annual Instruction Showcase, to be held virtually on Thursday, June 1. CARLI members and Illinois LIS students are welcome to submit proposals on all library instruction topics and are encouraged to draw inspiration from the committee’s theme this year: Re-examining Instruction. Also Registration now…