(via Lucinda Wittkower, Old Dominion University) Registration for The innovative Library Classroom Conference will open at 11:00 PM CDT on Monday, April 3. Join us in Williamsburg, VA at William & Mary on June 1-2 (Thursday-Friday)! New this year, we are offering a pre-conference workshop on June 1 from 1-3 PM, “Our Pedagogies, Our Selves: Culturally Informed and…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Call for Proposals: Connecticut Academic Libraries Conference (Online Fri., June 9)–Deadline Thurs., March 30
(via Jasmine Huff, Capital Community College) We are excited to announce that we are now accepting proposals for the 13th Annual Connecticut Academic Libraries Conference, formerly titled the Connecticut Information Literacy Conference, which will be held virtually on Friday, June 9, 2023. We are expanding our scope to include all under the academic library umbrella. The conference…
Registration Open for Free Library 2.0 Online Mini-Conference “Mental Health and Wellness: Library Workers Thriving in Uncertain Times” (Tues., April 4, 2:00-5:00 PM CDT)
(via Library 2.0) Our first Library 2.023 mini-conference, “Mental Health and Wellness: Library Workers Thriving in Uncertain Times”, will be held online (and for free) on Tuesday, April 4, from 2:00 to 5:00 PM CDT. Libraries have the power to help transform lives, both for staff and patrons, through efforts that promote mental health and wellness. In this Library…
Call for Proposals: Free 10th Annual Virtual LILi Conference (Online Thurs., July 27 – Fri., July 28)–Deadline Sat., April 1
via Esther Grassian–University of California, Los Angeles) FREE 10th Annual Virtual LILi (Lifelong Information Literacy) ConferenceCALL FOR PROPOSALS Proposal Deadline: Saturday, April 1, 2023Decision Made By: Monday, May 15, 2023 Conference Theme: Small Victories in Information Literacy! Conference Dates: Thursday July 27, 2023, 2:30-5:30 PM CDT Friday, July 28, 2023, 11:30 AM – 3:30…
Call for Proposals Extended: Core Forum (in New Orleans Thurs., Oct. 19 – Sat., Oct. 21)–New Deadline Fri., March 24
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) To accommodate those who would like some additional time, the Core Forum call for proposals deadline has been extended to Friday, March 24. Forum prioritizes networking opportunities and practical professional development. Join us in New Orleans, October 19-21, 2023! We’re looking for presentations on hot topics and innovative content in the following…
Registration Open for 2023 REFORMA Institute (Virtual and in-Person Thurs., June 22, with on-Site Option in Chicago)–Early-Bird Deadline Sun., April 30, with in-Person Registration Capped at 50
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Registration is now open for the 2023 REFORMA (The National Association to Promote Library & Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking) Institute! The institute will take place on Thursday, June 22, starting at 8:00 AM CDT, at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, IL. For the…
Reminder: Registration Open for NNLM Virtual Symposium, “Health Misinformation” (Tues., April 4 – Thurs., April 6)
(via the Network of the National Library of Medicine – Region 6) Registration is open for the NNLM (Network of the National Library of Medicine) Virtual Symposium, which will take place from Tuesday, April 4, to Thursday, April 6. The 2023 NNLM Virtual Symposium, themed “Health Misinformation“, will explore both the research behind health misinformation movements and…
Call for Poster Session Proposals: ALA Annual Conference (Thurs., June 22 – Tues., June 27, in Chicago)–Deadline Wed., March 15
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Present a Poster Session at the American Library Association’s 2023 Annual Conference & Exhibition! This year’s meeting will take place in Chicago, IL, from Thursday, June 22, to Tuesday, June 27. Don’t miss out on this key professional-development opportunity to share your best ideas and work with the library community….
Call for Proposals: STEM Librarians Collaborative 2023 Meeting (Online Wed., July 26 – Fri., July 28) — Deadline Fri., March 31
(via Elisabeth White, Towson University) Join us at the STEM Librarians Collaborative for its 2023 Meeting! It will take place online from Wednesday, July 26, to Friday, July 28. We are currently accepting proposals for those interested in presenting at this virtual conference. The STEM Librarians Collaborative will offer a variety of session formats; all proposed…
Reminder: Proposals for ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Research Committee Virtual Research Forum (Scheduled for May, 2023) Due Mon., March 13
(via Emily Fornwald, University of British Columbia) The ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Research Committee invites proposals for presentations at their virtual research forum, to be held online in early May. Our charge is to investigate and propose ways for education and behavioral science librarians to share ideas about new directions in education and behavioral…