(via Chapel Cowden, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) Please join us for the annual ACRL Science & Technology Section Research Forum & Poster Sessions! Attendance is free and open to all. This year’s sessions will be presented virtually via Zoom. STS Research Forum Date/Time: Thursday, June 17, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT Registration Link: bit.ly/stsresearch2021 (deadline Tuesday,…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Reminder: Registration Still Open for IACRL Spark Event, “Looking Back, Looking Forward”, on Fri., June 11
(via Emily Gilbert, IACRL Vice-President/President-Elect) Registration is still open for IACRL’s next event, “Spark: Looking Back, Looking Forward”. The event will take place on Friday, June 11, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM. The event will have three lightning talks from Illinois academic librarians on practices they developed during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and participants will…
Call for Lightning-Talk Proposals: Great Lakes Science Boot Camp 2021 (Online July 16-20)–Deadline Fri., June 11
(via Jennifer Hart, University of Chicago) Have a topic in science librarianship that you would like to give a five minute talk on? We are now taking submissions for the Great Lakes Science Librarian Bootcamp 2021. This year’s event will take place entirely online, from Friday, July 16, to Tuesday, July 20. Proposals are to be submitted…
Final Reminder: Submissions Deadline for 2021 MCMLA/Midwest Joint Chapter Meeting (Online Oct. 13-15) is Fri., June 4
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Joint Research Program Committee invites poster, paper, and lightning talk abstract submissions on any health sciences librarianship topic for the 2021 MCMLA (Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association)/Midwest Joint Chapter Meeting. The meeting will take place virtually from October 13 to…
Reminder: Registration Open for Library Instruction Tennessee 2021 Conference, Online June 7-10 (Presenters Include UIUC’s Wong)–Deadline Thurs., June 3
(via Sarah Smith, Dean of Libraries St. Louis Community College) Register today for Library Instruction Tennessee (LIT) 2021–it’s free! LIT 2021 will be held virtually via Zoom from Monday, June 7, to Thursday, June 10. The theme of this year’s meeting is “Persistence & Resilience”. Check out the great slate of speakers and their sessions here. The presenters include…
Save the Date: 2021 Virtual CARLI Annual Meeting & Directors Meeting (Wed., Nov. 10, and Thurs., Nov. 4)
(via CARLI) Please mark your calendars for the Virtual CARLI Annual Meeting, being held on Wednesday, November 10. The Governing Directors Meeting will also be held virtually, in place of a regularly scheduled Governing Directors Check-in Sessions, on Thursday, November 4. Registration information will be shared as soon as it becomes available.
Call for Lightning-Talk Proposals: Half-Day Virtual Symposium on Cataloging Queer Library Issues (Thurs., Aug. 12)–Deadline Fri., June 11
(via John Jackson, Loyola Marymount University) The William H. Hannon Library is seeking proposals for lightning talks for “Cataloging Queer Library Issues: A symposium to honor Walt ‘Cat’ Walker,” a half-day virtual symposium to be held online Thursday, August 12. Lightning talks should be approximately 5 minutes apiece, and can focus on topics relating to any aspect…
Save the Date: Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium (Online Wed., Nov. 17)
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) Save the date for the Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium, a free virtual event with a focus on Institutional Repository (IR) management, curation, and promotion in a health sciences environment. The inaugural conference will take place virtually on Wednesday, November 17. MIRL…
Reminder: Program Proposals for REFORMA National Conference VII (Online Nov. 4-7) Due Sat., May 29
(via REFORMA, The National Association to Promote Library & Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking) Has your work inspired change? REFORMA wants to hear from you! REFORMA is seeking presenters whose work reflect the theme of the REFORMA National Conference VII & 50th Anniversary Celebration –We are the change / Somos el cambio. The event…
Reminder: Early-Bird Registration for ACRL Rare Books & Manuscripts Section 2021 Conference (Online June 7-10) is Fri., May 28
(via ACRL) The #RBMS21 (ACRL Rare Books & Manuscripts Section) 2021 Conference, “Power, Resistance and Leadership”, will take place online from Monday, June 7, to Thursday, June 10. There is just one day remaining until the early-bird registration deadline. To receive the early-bird registration rate, a $50 savings, you must register here by Friday, May 28. The virtual RBMS 2021 Conference will…