(via ACRL) Thanks to everyone who submitted program proposals for ACRL 2021. So much exciting content was received that we need more time to decide how much we can accept in the current environment. Contributed paper, panel session, preconference, and workshop notifications are expected to go out by the end of December 2020. We apologize…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Reminder: Registration Open for Free Midwest Data Librarian Symposium 2020 (Online Oct. 14-16) — Registration Capped and Currently Limited to Midwestern Data Professionals
(via Cameron Cook, University of Wisconsin-Madison) We are thrilled with the overwhelming response for MDLS20! We are aware that many Midwestern data professionals were unable to register, so we have added more registration tickets. PLEASE NOTE: These tickets are for Midwestern United States data professionals only. If there are still seats available prior to the…
Reminder: Early-Bird Registration for 2020 ILA Virtual Conference Closes Monday, September 21
(via the Illinois Library Association) The early bird rate deadline for the 2020 ILA Virtual Conference is Monday, September 21. Don’t pay more if you don’t have to, so register today to secure the early-bird rate. This year’s theme, “Many Libraries, One State: We ARE ILA”, is more important than it has ever been. In this…
Reminder: Deadline to Apply for ILA 2020 Virtual Conference Scholarship is Sunday, September 20
(via the Illinois Library Association) A limited number of full scholarships for the 2020 ILA Virtual Conference will be available to members of the Illinois library community who have been laid off or currently furloughed. Applications must be submitted by Friday, September 20. To apply, please complete and submit the form available here. If you…
Reminder: Registration Open for Amigos Online Conference, “Like the Ceiling Can’t Hold Us: Sharing Innovations in Libraries” (Wed., Sept. 23) — Early-Bird Ends Fri., Sept. 11
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) Join us on Wednesday, September 23, for “Like the Ceiling Can’t Hold Us: Sharing Innovations in Libraries”. This Amigos Library Services online conference will explore ways that library organizations and library professionals are innovating services, programs, and content in the face of adversity and constant change. Early-bird registration ends…
Registration Open for 2020 Brick & Click Conference (Online Fri., Nov. 6) — Deadline Fri., Oct. 30
(via Dr. Lea Briggs, Director of Library Services and Operations at Northwest Missouri State University) Please join us online for the 20th annual Brick & Click Conference. You can look forward to a day full of great content provided virtually by our wonderful presenters. Although we are sad we cannot connect with each of you…
Chicago Area Medical Archivists Holding Free Virtual Medical History Symposium on Fri., Sept. 18 (RSVP Required)
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Chicago Area Medical Archivists (CAMA) are holding a symposium on medical history. Join CAMA for this free, virtual event on Friday, September 18, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Please e-mail kelly.reiss@rosalindfranklin.edu to RSVP for the event or if you have any…
Reminder: STELLA Unconference Taking Place Online Friday, October 9 (General Registration Now Open)
(via STELLA–Science, Technology, and Engineering Library Leaders in Action) Due to the ongoing impact of COVID19, the next STELLA Unconference will take place virtually, as a one-day event on Friday, October 9. Sessions are planned from 10:00 to 5:00 PM CDT, though timing may still change slightly. Registered attendees will be able to suggest topics…
Reminder: Lightning-Talk Proposals for Online Distance Library Services Conference Due Mon., Sept. 14
(via the Distance Library Services Conference planning committee) The 2020 Distance Library Services Conference will take place online from Tuesday, November 3, to Wednesday, November 4. We are seeking proposals for 15 minute talks focusing on how Distance Librarianship has been impacted over the past six months, or during other times of major upheaval and…
Reminder: Proposals for ACRL Programs at 2021 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago Due Sept. 30, 2020
(via ACRL) The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) invites its committees, sections, interest groups, and individual members to consider submitting program proposals for the 2021 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. Program proposals will be submitted via a centralized submission site for all ALA Divisions, RoundTables, Committees, and Offices. ACRL members must choose “ACRL” on…