(via Melissa Harden, University of Notre Dame) Is there an instruction issue you wish more folks were talking about? The Instruction Section (IS) Current Issues Virtual Discussion Forum is an opportunity for library workers to explore and discuss pressing topics related to library instruction and information literacy. The IS Discussion Group Steering Committee welcomes topic…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Call for Proposals: 2020 Lake Superior Libraries Symposium (June 5 in Duluth. MN) — Deadline March 29
(via the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) The organizers of the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium (LSLS) invite breakout session proposals for our ninth annual conference to be held on June 5, 2020, at the University of Minnesota Duluth Kathryn A. Martin Library in Duluth, Minnesota. This year’s theme, “Mapping Our…
Registration Open for Southeast Science Boot Camp for Librarians 2020 (June 3-5 at Florida State University)
(via Denise Wetzel, Florida State University) This year, the 2020 Southeast Science Boot Camp for Librarians will be held for the first time in sunny Tallahassee, Florida at Florida State University from June 3 to 5. This year’s boot camp provides an affordable opportunity for librarians to hear presentations about current scientific research, to hear…
Illinois Information Literacy Summit Call for Proposals Extended (New Deadline Friday, Jan. 24)
(via Jennifer Schwartz, DePaul University) Deadline extended to Friday, January 24 The 19th Annual Information Literacy Summit at Moraine Valley is now accepting proposals for breakout sessions. 19th Annual Information Literacy Summit Challenging the status quo: Rethinking information literacy theories and practices Friday, April 3, 2020, 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM Presented by DePaul University…
Save the Date: 2020 Beyond the Numbers Conference on Economic Information (November 18-20 in St. Louis)
(via Rashelle Nagar, Yale University) Mark your calendars now. Beyond the Numbers is coming back in 2020. Save the date! Beyond the Numbers November 18-20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Call for papers coming soon! Beyond the Numbers is a *free conference* to address the challenges of economic information. We are bringing together experts…
Call for Proposals: Library Research Round Table (LRRT) Forum at ALA Annual — Deadline Friday, January 17
(via Dr. Amanda Folk, The Ohio State University) The Library Research Round Table (LRRT) is accepting paper submissions for the LRRT Research Forum at the 2020 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. The LRRT Research Forum will feature 15-minute presentations of library and information science (LIS) research followed by discussion. Proposals are…
Reminder: Early-Bird Registration for Digital Directions 2020 (April 6-7 in Tucson, Arizona) Closes Friday, Jan. 31
(via Julie Martin, Northeast Document Conservation Center) NEDCC Presents: DIGITAL DIRECTIONS: Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections April 6-7, 2020 – Tucson, Arizona Early-bird deadline is Friday, January 31! JOIN US in beautiful Tucson for a comprehensive overview of digital preservation, presented by information professionals with experience in the preservation of cultural heritage materials….
Save the Date: 8th Annual CARLI Instruction Showcase (Friday, May 29, at Harper College in Palatine)
(via Debbie Campbell, CARLI) Please save the date to attend the eighth annual CARLI Instruction Showcase to be held on Friday, May 29, at Harper College in Palatine, IL. Our call for presenters, and the opening of registration, are both forthcoming. More information is available here. Please send any questions to support@carli.illinois.edu.
Reminder: Deadline for Illinois Information Literacy Summit Proposals is Friday, January 17
(via Jennifer Schwartz, DePaul University) Deadline for submissions: Friday, January 17 The 19th Annual Information Literacy Summit at Moraine Valley is now accepting proposals for breakout sessions. 19th Annual Information Literacy Summit Challenging the status quo: Rethinking information literacy theories and practices Friday, April 3, 2020, 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM Presented by DePaul University…
Registration Open for OCLC Resource Sharing Users Group Meeting at ALA Midwinter (Sun., Jan. 26, 4:00-5:30 PM)
(via Tony Melvyn, OCLC) Plan to join your OCLC resource sharing colleagues for updates on WorldShare Interlibrary Loan, Tipasa, ILLiad, and Relais. We’ll also have time for discussions of timely ILL topics. Sunday, January 26, 2020 4:00 – 5:30 PM, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 103-C Register here. Also, you are invited to join our other OCLC…