(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) CARLI is pleased to share upcoming Professional Development Alliance events in June. “Black Lives Matter: Programming within an Equity Framework” Monday, June 7, 12:00-1:45 PM CDT An in-depth look at the Black Lives Matter public programming initiative launched by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library in September 2020. Learn how this program began, and…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Call for Submissions: ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table June Newsletter Issue on Anti-Racism (Deadline Mon., June 7)
(via Dr. Julie Winkelstein, University of Tennessee School of Information Sciences) The theme for the ALA SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table) newsletter’s June, 2021, issue is based on this question: What if your library/profession/institution/community were anti-racist. What would that look like? We welcome any articles related to this topic or if you have an idea for a related social…
Registration Open for ACRL STS Webinar on Remote and Virtual Instruction in the Sciences (Wed., June 16, 2:00 PM CDT)
(via Cathy Lantz, University of Illinois at Chicago) The ACRL STS (Science & Technology Section) Program Planning Committee invites you to a virtual panel presentation where four science librarians will discuss remote/virtual instruction in the sciences. Topics will include: active learning in online environments, specific tool recommendations, equity & accessibility strategies, working with lab courses online, lessons learned from the…
Call for Volunteers: IACRL Committees (Terms Begin in July)
(via Emily Gilbert, IACRL Vice-President/President-Elect) Are you looking for more ways to get involved with professional development? Do you want to meet more of your peers in academic libraries across Illinois? Would you like to give back to the Illinois academic library community? Join an IACRL Committee! IACRL (Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries) is…
Registration Open for ACRL President’s Program at ALA Annual Virtual Conference (Thurs., June 24, 2:15-3:15 PM CDT)
(via ACRL) Join ACRL for its President’s Program at the 2021 ALA Annual Virtual Conference. Hosted by ACRL President Jon E. Cawthorne, this program will take place from 2:15 to 3:15 PM CDT on Thursday, June 24, live during the conference. Titled “Making Change: Organizing for Action While Caring for Each Other“, this program will feature Mariame…
Reminder: Registration Open for Next ILA Noon Network Event, “Self-Care for Library Staff” (Wed., June 9, 12:00-1:00 PM)
(via the Illinois Library Association) The ILA Noon Network will present “Self-Care for Library Staff” on Wednesday, June 9, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM. Self-care is not selfish! Library staff have always been a great resource to the public for everything from a book recommendation to housing assistance. The past 17 months have created even more concerns from patrons and…
Registration and Schedule Available for ACRL STS Research Forum (Thurs., June 17) and Poster Sessions (Mon., June 21 and 28)
(via Chapel Cowden, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) Please join us for the annual ACRL Science & Technology Section Research Forum & Poster Sessions! Attendance is free and open to all. This year’s sessions will be presented virtually via Zoom. STS Research Forum Date/Time: Thursday, June 17, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT Registration Link: bit.ly/stsresearch2021 (deadline Tuesday,…
Reminder: Registration Still Open for IACRL Spark Event, “Looking Back, Looking Forward”, on Fri., June 11
(via Emily Gilbert, IACRL Vice-President/President-Elect) Registration is still open for IACRL’s next event, “Spark: Looking Back, Looking Forward”. The event will take place on Friday, June 11, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM. The event will have three lightning talks from Illinois academic librarians on practices they developed during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and participants will…
Final Reminder: Submissions Deadline for 2021 MCMLA/Midwest Joint Chapter Meeting (Online Oct. 13-15) is Fri., June 4
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Joint Research Program Committee invites poster, paper, and lightning talk abstract submissions on any health sciences librarianship topic for the 2021 MCMLA (Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association)/Midwest Joint Chapter Meeting. The meeting will take place virtually from October 13 to…
Save the Date: 2021 Virtual CARLI Annual Meeting & Directors Meeting (Wed., Nov. 10, and Thurs., Nov. 4)
(via CARLI) Please mark your calendars for the Virtual CARLI Annual Meeting, being held on Wednesday, November 10. The Governing Directors Meeting will also be held virtually, in place of a regularly scheduled Governing Directors Check-in Sessions, on Thursday, November 4. Registration information will be shared as soon as it becomes available.