(via Amy Reyes–University of California, Los Angeles) The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) seeks applicants for editorial board members for 2021-2024. In line with our commitment to equity, we wish to use these positions to bring a greater diversity of perspectives and lived experiences to our team. Individuals who identify as being from an underrepresented group…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Call for Submissions–DttP: Documents to the People Spring 2022 Issue (Deadline Sept. 2021)
(via Laura Sare, Texas A&M University) Do you or your patrons use government data? If the answer is yes, consider submitting an article to DttP: Documents to the People, the official publication of ALA’s Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT). Submissions can be formatted as research articles, case studies, or informational articles; or as multiple author discussions of…
Reminder: Early-Bird Registration for ACRL Rare Books & Manuscripts Section 2021 Conference (Online June 7-10) is Fri., May 28
(via ACRL) The #RBMS21 (ACRL Rare Books & Manuscripts Section) 2021 Conference, “Power, Resistance and Leadership”, will take place online from Monday, June 7, to Thursday, June 10. There is just one day remaining until the early-bird registration deadline. To receive the early-bird registration rate, a $50 savings, you must register here by Friday, May 28. The virtual RBMS 2021 Conference will…
Recording Now Available for OHSLA Program Drawn to Graphic Medicine: Bringing Comics into Medical Librarianship (Worth 1.5 MLA CE hours)
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) If you were interested in the OHSLA (Ohio Health Sciences Library Association) Spring 2021 Program Drawn to Graphic Medicine: Bringing Comics into Medical Librarianship, but could not make it when we held the live class on Apr. 30, the recording is available. You…
Call for Proposals: Editorials to Appear on ResearchDataQ Website (Deadline Wed., June 30)
(via Andrew Johnson, University of Colorado Boulder) The ResearchDataQ Editorial Board, part of the ACRL Digital Scholarship Section, is seeking proposals for editorials that will be featured prominently on the ResearchDataQ website. We are seeking editorials that describe services, support, or related activities around research data at your institution. Topics could include privacy, ethical data…
Call for Chapter Proposals: Upcoming ACRL Publication Creators in the Academic Library (Deadline Mon., July 19)
(via Rebecca Kuglitsch, University of Colorado Boulder) We are excited to invite chapter proposals for our forthcoming ACRL book, Creators in the Academic Library, with an anticipated publication date of Spring 2023. This edited volume seeks to increase the impact of academic libraries on creator communities by bringing together ideas for and approaches to their…
Registration Open for ACRL CJCLS Webinar “Scholarly Research for Community College Librarians: Demystifying Submission, Review, and Publication Processes” (Thurs., June 10, 2:00-3:00 PM CDT)
(via Linda Miles, Hostos Community College) Registration is now open for the webinar “Scholarly Research for Community College Librarians: Demystifying Submission, Review, and Publication Processes”. It will take place on Thursday, June 10, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM CDT. More information is below. Are you a community college librarian interested in publishing in LIS Journals?…
Reminder: Call for Examples of Libraries’ Open Access Policies (Research for Upcoming ALA Publication)–Deadline Tues., May 25
(via Rachel Scott, Associate Dean for Information Assets at Illinois State University’s Milner Library) Two years ago we emailed to request your input on Open Access policies in your libraries. Our findings were recently published in portal and are available here. We thank you for your input and invite you to offer your feedback on the…
Registration Open for Free ACRL Presents Webcast “Cultures of Collecting: Sustaining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Collection Development” (Thurs., May 27, at 2:00 PM)
(via ACRL) Join ACRL on Thursday, May 27, at 2:00 PM CDT, for the free ACRL Presents webcast “Cultures of Collecting: Sustaining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Collection Development”. The panel discussion features experts from academic libraries and special collections repositories providing insights into including diverse perspectives in scholarly collections for teaching, research, and learning….
Final Reminder: Proposals for IACRL Spark! Event “Looking Back, Looking Forward” (Online Fri., June 11) Due Fri., May 21
(via Emily Gilbert, IACRL Vice-President/President-Elect) The IACRL Conference & Continuing Education Committee is pleased to announce its next Spark event! Join us for “Spark: Looking Back, Looking Forward”. The event will be held on Friday, June 11, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM via Zoom. Librarians from all libraries in Illinois are welcome to attend!…