(via Michelle Nielsen Ott, IACRL Past President) The IACRL Nominations Committee is seeking candidates for the 2021-2022 Executive Board Election. In April 2021, members will vote for the IACRL Vice-President/President-elect and Secretary. Vice-President/President-elect is three-year terms beginning July 2021 and ending June 2024. Secretary is a one-year position beginning July 2021 and ending June 2022….
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
UIUC’s Sara Holder is ACRL Member of the Week for November 30
(via ACRL) Sara Holder is the director of reference and research services at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Sara has been a member of ACRL for 22 years and is the ACRL Member of the Week for November 30, 2020. Sara recently brought together subject experts in wellness programing as an editor of the…
Call for Participation: Survey on ACRL Distance and Online Learning Section Strategic Plan (Deadline Fri., Dec. 18)
(via Anne Casey, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) The ACRL Distance and Online Learning Section (DOLS) Strategic Planning Committee invites you to complete the following brief survey to inform our work on the next version of the Section’s strategic plan. Every three years, the strategic plan is reviewed and revised by the Strategic Planning Committee, and your…
Reminder: Registration Open for ALA Midwinter Virtual (Jan. 22-26)–Deadline Fri., Jan. 15
(via RAILS) Registration is open for ALA Midwinter Virtual. Current ALA Student Members are invited to register at no cost. ALA Members who have recently been furloughed, laid off, or are experiencing a reduction of paid work hours are invited to register at no cost. Registration closes on Friday, January 15, 2021. The conference will take…
Reminder: Proposals for CARLI Undergraduate Research Webinar Series Due Monday, Dec. 7
(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) A friendly reminder, please submit your proposals by Monday, December 7. The CARLI Program Planning Committee is seeking presenters for a series of webinars in Spring 2021 focused on academic library support of undergraduate research. The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) defines undergraduate research as “an inquiry or investigation conducted by…
Registration Open for ALA Council Discussion on Forward Together (Online Thurs., Dec. 3, 2:00-4:00 PM CDT)
(via Jennifer Sharkey, Illinois State University) Registration is now open for the upcoming ALA Virtual Council Meeting on Forward Together. The event will take place on Thursday, December 3, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM CDT. The Forward Together Working Group will provide an update on its initiatives, which include the information feedback sessions the Group…
IACRL Has Articles Published in Fall ACRL Chapter Topics Newsletter (Includes Mention of HSLI Secretary JJ Pionke)
(via IACRL) The ACRL Chapters Council just released the Fall issue of the Chapter Topics Newsletter, available here. The Newsletter includes updates from ACRL chapters around the country, along with a message from Chapters Council Chair Ali Larsen of Siena College. The Illinois chapter has two articles in this issue, one of which is the…
Reminder: RAILS Seeking Updated Information for COVID-19 Library Services Survey
(via RAILS) Please continue to update the COVID-19 survey. Yes! Really! This means YOU! We know how busy everyone is. With the Governor and Illinois Department of Public Health evaluating and changing their recommendations and restrictions often, we are asking you please to update your library’s information on the survey on the RAILS Pulse Page every…
Registration Open for Free ACRL STS Webinar “Is Science Librarianship Right for Me?” (Wed., Dec. 9, at 1:00 PM)
(via Kimberly Bailey, University of Pittsburgh Bradford) Registration is now open for the free ACRL Science & Technology Section webinar “Is Science Librarianship Right for Me?”. The webinar will take place on Wednesday, December 9, starting at 1:00 PM CDT. To register, please go here. Information on the webinar’s content and presenters is below. Are…
Reminder: Nominations for 2021 ACRL Awards Due Friday, December 4
(via ACRL) Nominations for ACRL’s 2021 awards program are due Friday, December 4. Please consider acknowledging those who have influenced your thinking, practice, and growth as an academic or research library worker. ACRL urges you to nominate colleagues whose work you admire, and whose contributions merit recognition by the profession. Your nominations will ensure that…