(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University, on behalf of CARLI) Attention reference and instruction librarian staff! The CARLI Counts Technical Services team is investigating how you perceive the value of enhanced cataloging upon the process of identifying resources for a student and they need your input. Please take about 10 minutes of your time to…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Reminder: Registration Open for Next Online with the CMC Webinar, “Well Isn’t That Special?: Archival Materials & Special Collections” (Thurs., Nov. 19, 10:00-11:00 AM CDT)
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) This is a reminder that registration is still open for next month’s Cataloging Maintenance Center Online with the CMC webinar. More information is below. November 19, 2020: “Well Isn’t That Special?: Archival Materials & Special Collections” A look at finding aids, common cataloging schemas including Dublin Core…
Call for Nominations: ILA Executive Board (Deadline Fri., Oct. 23)
(via the Illinois Library Association) The ILA Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for the 2021-2022 Executive Board Election. In April 2021, members will vote for the ILA Vice-President/President-elect and for five Executive Board positions: 2 Public Library, 1 School Library, 1 Academic Library representative, and the ALA Councilor. These are three-year terms beginning July 2021 and…
Reminder: ACRL Instruction Section Seeking Nominations for Ilene F. Rockman Instruction Publication of the Year Award (Deadline Fri., Dec. 4)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Did you write, or do you know someone who wrote, an outstanding publication related to instruction in a library environment published in the preceding two years? This is your chance to let us know about it! Eligible publications include journal articles, books, book chapters, and published proceedings. Submitted publications…
Reminder: IACRL Seeking Proposals for “Spark: Trial by Fire – Lessons Learned from a Pandemic” Online Event (Wed., Dec. 9, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM) — Deadline Fri., Oct. 23
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) IACRL is pleased to announce a 2nd Spark event for 2020! Join us for “Spark: Trial by Fire – Lessons Learned from a Pandemic”. Save the date! Spark will be held online Wednesday, December 9, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM, via Zoom. Librarians from all libraries in Illinois…
Reminder: Deadline to Register for Midwest Chapter / MCMLA Virtual Conference is Monday, October 12
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The 2020 Midwest Chapter / MCMLA (Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association) Virtual Conference will take place from Wednesday, October 14, to Friday, October 16. The theme of this year’s meeting is “Be a Health Literacy Superhero”. General information is available…
Registration Open for IACRL People’s Choice Award in Scholarly Publishing Webinar (Mon., Nov. 9, 1:00-2:00 PM)
(via IACRL) The IACRL People’s Choice Award in Scholarly Publishing was established in 2020. This award gives academic and research librarians throughout Illinois the opportunity to read and evaluate scholarly works by their peers and then vote on a favorite. It also presents Illinois research and academic librarians with the opportunity to share their findings…
Call for Nominations: MLA Research Advancement in Health Sciences Librarianship Award (Deadline Sun., Nov. 1)
(via Nancy Crabtree, Roseman University of Health Sciences) The Medical Library Association is now seeking nominations for recipients of the Research Advancement in Health Sciences Librarianship Award. The MLA Research Advancement in Health Sciences Librarianship Award recognizes organizations whose exemplary actions have served to advance health information research and evidence-based practice in health sciences libraries….
Call for Presentation Proposals: 2021 Reference Research Forum at ALA Annual (Deadline Mon., Jan. 4)
(via Qiana Johnson, Northwestern University) The Research & Statistics Committee of the Reference Services Section of the Reference & User Services Association (RUSA) invites submission of reference service research project proposals for presentation at the New Discoveries in Reference: The 27th Annual Reference Research Forum at the 2021 American Library Association Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. Researchers…
Call for Chapter Proposals Extended: ARCL Data Literacy Cookbook (New Deadline Sun., Oct. 18)
(via Kelly Getz, Eastern Michigan University) We are moving the deadline for the call for chapters in the ACRL Data Literacy Cookbook to Sunday, October 18, 2020 (because pandemic time is wibbly wobbly, timey wimey). You are welcome to submit a proposal for any of the topics listed below; however, we encourage you to consider…