(via ACRL) Nominations are now open for the ACRL Instruction Section’s Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award. This award recognizes an individual librarian who has built a record of contributions over time that have advanced the pursuit of teaching and learning in a college or research library environment. The award honors Miriam Dudley, whose pioneering efforts…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Save the Date and Call for Proposals: “Spark: Trial by Fire – Lessons Learned from a Pandemic” Online Event (Wed., Dec. 9, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM) — Deadline Fri., Oct. 23
IACRL is pleased to announce a second Spark event for 2020. Join us for “Spark: Trial by Fire – Lessons Learned from a Pandemic”. Spark will be held online Wednesday, December 9, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM, via Zoom. Librarians from all libraries in Illinois are welcome and encouraged to attend. The planning committee is…
Registration Open for Next Online with the CMC Webinar, “Punctuate the Positive, or Eliminate the Negative” (Thurs., Oct. 8, 10:00-11:00 AM CDT)
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) Registration is now open for the next Cataloging Maintenance Center Online with the CMC webinar. More information is below. Thursday, October 8, 2020: “Punctuate the Positive, or Eliminate the Negative” Cheri Schuler-Faust will discuss options regarding the use of punctuation when newly authenticating bibliographic records. Fully punctuate…
Call for Participation: ILA Survey on Libraries and EDI (Deadline Fri., Sept. 25)
(via the Illinois Library Association) On behalf of the Illinois Library Association Diversity Committee, we ask that those currently employed in a library setting complete this survey to let us know what your professional training needs are during this time of extraordinary change. These trainings are to help libraries explore the different dimensions of diversity (race,…
IACRL at the 2020 ILA Virtual Conference
(via the Illinois Library Association) IACRL is sponsoring IACRL @ ILA–a track of programming for academic librarians at the 2020 ILA Virtual Conference. IACRL @ ILA programming is open to all conference attendees and academic librarians are free to attend programs outside the IACRL @ ILA track. In lieu of its traditional luncheon and membership…
Call for Presenters: CARLI Webinar “Primo VE in Practice–Life After Going Live” (Wed., Dec. 2) — Deadline Mon., Oct. 19
(via Debbie Campbell, CARLI) The CARLI Instruction Committee is planning a fall webinar focused on instruction and the Primo VE user experience. The webinar, titled “Primo VE in Practice–Life After Going Live”, will take place on Wednesday, December 2, at 1:00 PM CDT. The Committee is soliciting volunteers who would be willing to participate in a…
Findings of 2020 OCLC Global Council Survey on Discovery and Fulfillment Now Available
(via Mary Konkel, College of DuPage) In late 2019 OCLC Global Council, in conjunction with OCLC Research and Market Research teams, surveyed librarians around the world on their discovery and fulfillment efforts. The publication Global Perspectives on Discovery and Fulfillment: Findings from the 2020 OCLC Global Council Survey provides an overview of the findings from this…
Deadline for ACRL 2021 Conference Proposals Extended to Mon., Nov. 9
(via ACRL) Thanks to everyone who submitted program proposals for ACRL 2021. So much exciting content was received that we need more time to decide how much we can accept in the current environment. Contributed paper, panel session, preconference, and workshop notifications are expected to go out by the end of December 2020. We apologize…
Reminder: Early-Bird Registration for 2020 ILA Virtual Conference Closes Monday, September 21
(via the Illinois Library Association) The early bird rate deadline for the 2020 ILA Virtual Conference is Monday, September 21. Don’t pay more if you don’t have to, so register today to secure the early-bird rate. This year’s theme, “Many Libraries, One State: We ARE ILA”, is more important than it has ever been. In this…
Reminder: IACRL Communications Committee Seeking Information on New Jobs or Recent Publications Among Illinois Academic Librarians (Deadline Fri., Sept. 18)
(via Krista Bowers Sharpe, IACRL Communications Committee Chair) The IACRL Communications Committee is highlighting recent career changes and publications by Illinois academic librarians in the next IACRL Newsletter. If you have: changed positions since February of 2020 been published since February of 2020 and would like to be included in the Fall, 2020, IACRL Newsletter,…