(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago, on behalf of Mary Witt, RAILS) The Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) just launched a new library Pulse Page on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). The Page is available at the top of our homepage. Our goal is to share the most current information about RAILS EDI initiatives…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Reminder: Save the Date and Call for Memories — CARLI 40th Anniversary Celebration and Scholarship Kick-Off Event (Currently In-Person Thurs., Nov. 12)
(via Michelle Jean Haake, CARLI) This year CARLI is celebrating 40 years of resource sharing through CARLI and its predecessor organizations. The CARLI 40th Anniversary Celebration and Scholarship Kick-Off Event will be held Thursday, November 12, 5:30-7:30 PM, at the I Hotel in Champaign, the day before the CARLI Annual Meeting, November 13. Save the…
Registration Open for August 12 ILA Noon Network Webinar, “We Can Walk Together: Creating Meaningful Dialogue on Race in our Communities”
(via the Illinois Library Association) Registration is now open for an upcoming ILA Noon Network webinar, “We Can Walk Together: Creating Meaningful Dialogue on Race in our Communities”. It will take place from 12:00 to 1:00 PM on Wednesday, August 12. More information on the content and the presenter is below. James A. Bowey, artist…
Registration Open for August IACRL Journal Club Discussion–“How Students Engage with News” (Tuesday, August 11, 1:00-2:00 PM)
(via Michelle Nielsen Ott, IACRL President) Join IACRL for our next Journal Club discussion via Zoom on Tuesday, August 11, at 1:00 PM. Everyone is invited to attend. We will be discussing “How Students Engage with News: Five Takeaways for Educators, Journalists, and Librarians”. Please access the article here. We will only focus on the first…
Call for Proposals Extended: Papers, Lightning Talks, and Posters for Joint Midcontinental and Midwest Chapter MLA 2020 Virtual Meeting (Oct. 14-16) — New Deadline Fri., Aug. 14
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The deadline to submit proposals for papers, lightning talks, and posters for the Joint Midcontinental and Midwest Chapter MLA 2020 Virtual Meeting has been extended to Friday, August 14. Please consider submitting a proposal to communicate your important work in any aspect…
Voting Open for IACRL People’s Choice Award in Scholarly Publishing (Polls Close Monday, August 31)
(via the Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries) Voting is now open for the IACRL People’s Choice Award in Scholarly Publishing. This award gives academic and research librarians throughout Illinois the opportunity to read and evaluate scholarly works by their peers and then vote on a favorite. It also presents Illinois research and academic librarians with the opportunity…
Registration Open for Free ACRL STS Webinar “Government Public Health Information During the COVID-19 Pandemic” (Thursday, August 6, at 3:00 PM CDT)
(via Britt Fagerheim, Utah State University) Please join the ACRL Science & Technology Section Government Information Committee for an online discussion, “Government Public Health Information During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, with three health sciences speakers, who will be discussing how they are sharing information and providing access to data during the COVID-19 pandemic. Where: Online via Zoom When:…
Reminder: ILA Seeking Poster Proposals for 2020 Virtual Conference (Oct. 20-22) — Deadline Monday, August 31
(via the Illinois Library Association) The Illinois Library Association (ILA) Conference Program Committee invites applications for poster sessions at the 2020 ILA Virtual Annual Conference, taking place October 20th – 22nd. Poster sessions will be featured on the ILA website (an example can be found here. The online poster session will become available at 9:00 AM…
Reminder: Registration Open for CARLI Annual Meeting (Currently Scheduled for Friday, November 13, in Champaign)
(via CARLI) The 2020 CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, November 13, at the I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign. Staff at any CARLI member library is invited to attend. A meeting of the CARLI Governing Directors will precede the Annual Meeting. Registration is available from the CARLI Calendar. Please note that a…
Call for Bloggers: ALA’s Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services (Deadline to Express Interest is Friday, August 7)
(via Amber Hayes, American Library Association) Intersections, ODLOS’ blog, is seeking blog posts from library workers and students on the following topics: How you practice self-care in 2020 and/or any recommendations you have for those feeling overwhelmed. Any anti-racism work your institution is doing. Interested in writing for Intersections but on a different topic? We…